Shimmering eyes of blue widened upon the favorable morning sky in delight, eagerly anticipating a fresh new day full of endless possibility. For in this little world of hers, there actually existed curious spirits residing beyond the limitations of human sight. Who knew what Kazumi would have believed otherwise, prior to one of life’s strangest preludes she had ever encountered? A lowering glimpse at her wrist provided the only physical proof she needed to confirm the truths she could no longer scrutinize in a once divided mind. Even if the device was childish by design, proper functionality was all that really mattered in the grand scheme of things. Beckoned by a promised deadline she dared not miss, Kazumi sought after her bike and found a seat, hyped to reach her friends. A hastened adjustment to secure her backpack over her purple top was the final check of importance. And so, with the green light aglow, peddling feet propelled her onward. Not until she passed the opened entrance gate did her feet quicken, anticipating the exhilarating Breezy Hill’s descent. Wisteria Gardens, a place of strong natural attraction was the first to fade behind her focused sights. The drifting tortoise clouds stood not a chance at the hare’s accelerating pace. Skillfully traveling the path surrounding the Gourd Pond Museum, a smile widened, her hair blowing more so in the gently swirling wind that followed along with her easing advances. Kazumi’s arrival in Uptown Springdale signified the final stretch. There would be no distractions along the way as she took no heed to the mischievous thoughts of the always tempting Banter Bakery nearby; certainly not after a hearty breakfast with the parents. With her sights set entirely upon the Community Center directly ahead, she carefully weaved around traffic and pedestrians alike until settling nearest one of the benches that immediately caught her attention. Getting off of her bike, Kazumi approached a napping Saki, finding the girl to have taken what appeared to be an involving detour of sorts into the heart of the woods. Just as long as meeting up with the dangerous Gargaros alone was of no desire, then curious minds should always be allowed to remain curious. Wishing not to disturb a deserving Saki for a little while longer, Kazumi looked around, a hand shielding her eyes from the brightening rays of the sun radiating down upon her. None of the others were in her sights just yet. For now, she would remain on the lookout, eagerly ready to spot their eventual approach.