It was a typical day in the Capital of Tormin, Moro Zera. Ships from across the sea were coming to dock at the port, bringing with them all sorts of things. People, imported goods from Avenase, rare gems found in the peaks of Haruga. This was a time of peace, long before the whispers and rumors of war would ever come to be known. This year, Tormin was holding an election campaign, as the current Primarch, Tokan, was stepping down. There were many potential candidates this year, from all over the country, and of all different species. Humans, anthro-dragons, Ronso, and so many others were all campaigning for the right to be Tormin's next ruler for a decade. While there were many candidates, there were not very many favorites among the people, mostly because most candidates only wanted the seat and title simply for power. This was mostly expected of humans, of course, as it was their nature. However, there was one candidate among them who was pure of heart, and she seemed to be one of the few favorites the people liked. Her name was Luna Bladedancer, and she was a sight to behold. Her long blonde hair and purple eyes were were what made her popular to begin with, but it was her speeches that won the people over. Today she was in the Capital, campaigning for support. She was due to make a speech in the afternoon, but for now, she was doing a meet and greet with the public and the city's citizens. [color=orange]"Luna, today is very important. Your speech this afternoon must be flawless, you cannot afford to make one mistake. If you win over most of the city today, you are pretty much assured to win the election when the votes are cast in a few days."[/color] an older man said as he walked with her through the streets. [color=gold]"I know father, you've told me this half a dozen times since we got here. You'll probably tell me half a dozen more before I actually make my speech."[/color] she teased. She stopped and looked at him, [color=gold]"Listen, I'll be alright, there's nothing to worry about."[/color] she reassured the older man. Justice, her father, said nothing. [color=orange][i]But there is reason to worry, Luna...if only you knew what was really going on.[/i][/color] he thought to himself. [hr] The time finally came for Luna's speech, and everyone within the city had gathered to hear her. She slowly made her way up onto the makeshift stage, wearing her usual white dress, her hair trailing down her back and stopping midway. She came to a stop in front of the podium, looking out at the massive crowd, [color=gold]"Citizens of Moro Zera, I am here today to try and convince you to vote for me with promises that I won't be able to fulfill. Or at least, that's what the other candidates and other people believe. Truthfully, I am here to tell you how it is. I'm not perfect, I can't make the promises the others have, as the future is always changing, and it's never written in stone. What promises I can make, is that if you elect me as the new Matriarch, I will strive to be the best for all of you. I will listen to the people, I will keep our trade flowing with Avenase, I will ensure those left homeless or orphaned are taken care of and are able to become productive members of our society! Look around at those in our country, we are slowly following the same path as Avenase is! What would happen if you voted in someone who wanted to build mechanical cities? Our teachings of Eden reveals to us that magic flows through every living creature, it is our very life force. If we stifle the land with machinery like Avenase has, then we will lose our connection with Doria! We will lose the ability to use our magic, just as they did; is that something you all want? Please, when you go to vote, think carefully on the future of our country."[/color] she finished, stepping down and returning to her father. [color=orange]"Excellent! That was perfect, Luna! Come, there is a certain someone I want you to meet."[/color] he said, leading her to a more quieter area. [color=orange]"Luna, this is Kessig, he is a lancer from Avenase. Kessig, this is Luna Bladedancer."[/color] he introduced them to one another.