[hider=Master] [img]http://i.imgur.com/7JEfEnW.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Christelle Proulx [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Personality:[/b] When on duty Christelle is always on point, and ready to viciously slaughter all that get in her way. There isn't a shred of regret or any other kind of emotion when she kills, most of which happen to my vampires, which would explain her lack of emotion when killing. She's a tool, and nothing more than that. Off duty, Christelle likes to spend most of her time reading. She has a tendency to read religious texts, but her favorite genre is horror, as the thrill and adrenaline rush excites her. As one would expect, she acts polite and proper at all times, making sure to keep her family's image. In reality, she is far more relaxed, somewhat vulgar, cynical, slightly egotistical and has the tendency to look down on others. Christelle also likes alcohol, sweets and cute things, especially cats. [b]Biography: [/b]From the day she was born, Christelle was being trained into a killing machine. Oddly enough, given the composition of her magic circuits, it really wasn't a hard task. It was almost like she was born to serve the church, which she probably was, but who knows? Armed with the relics passed down in family for generation after generation, Christelle became a Head of The Order of The Holy Spirit, using her family's power within the Order and the Church to make sure she was put in power. She became the leader at the incredibly young age of 22. For the five years she has been leading the Order, she has done nothing but work towards eradicating Humanity's threats, Christelle has entered The Holy Grail War to make sure that the grail didn't fall into the wrong hands. Heathens nor heretics were allowed to possess such a thing, as they'd obviously attempt to harm the world with it. Only a good, pure, Catholic like her would be able to make sure nothing bad happened to the world with the cup. Plus, it wasn't like she had anything better to do for these two weeks, and the rest of the Order could probably handle something if anything major happened. Entering the war was also a precautionary in case vampires decide to show up for the war, for whatever reason. The vampires were a bit more interesting than the cup, but they probably get bored like everybody else. And I guess saying you won the Holy Grail would be cool in Jesus' eyes, right? [b]Family History[/b]: The Proulx family dates back to the 1500s, and was one of the original families inside of the Order of the Holy Spirit, a Chivalric Order located within France. It was believed to have been abolished within the 1830s, but it reunited, loyal to the Church instead of to France this time around. Due to the family being one of the few longstanding within the Order, they have some of the most influence, so it wasn't exactly hard for them to make sure Christelle was highly ranked within it. As long as she proved skill, which she most certainly did, it was simple to make her a head of the Order. [b]Origin:[/b] Faith [b]Elemental Affinity:[/b] Fire [b]Magic Circuit Composition:[/b] Alignment towards church mysteries. [b]Number of Magic Circuits:[/b] C [b]Quality of Magic Circuits:[/b] C [b]Od:[/b] C [b]Magecraft: [/b] [i]Can Materialize Black Keys by running prana through pages of the bible[/i] [i]Baptism Sacrament[/i] [b]Equipment:[/b] [i]Staff of Saint Patrick:[/i] This is the famous staff carried around by Saint Patrick, the man who banished all of the snakes in Ireland. In actuality, there were never any snakes in Ireland. The imagery of snakes connects to the Druids that once inhabited the country of Ireland, with Saint Patrick being the man who banished all of the druids out of their homeland. It is believed that Saint Patrick himself killed some of the Druids using the very same staff he had always carried with him. The staff has an incredible affinity against Heathens and could be considered the perfect weapon to be used against them. This staff is a conceptual weapon that pierces, and destroys the soul of any Heathen. The staff can pass through any magecraft defense at, or under the rank of C in the Magecraft scale. If it touches anything above C, their ranked is reduced. On top of that, it is a really good beating stick, and could harm a Servant or a Monster. However, its not like it would explode them or anything, they'd just get hit by a really good beating stick. It is something that would be nothing but a normal staff to a priest, but becomes the ultimate nightmare to Heathens. [i]Cross of Saint Benedict of Nursia:[/i] This was the cross used by Saint Benedict of Nursia. In life, Saint Benedict is given most of his fame by his creation of the Holy Rule of Saint Benedict, a guide on how monks should live, however, there is more to the man than something like that. The cross that was originally possessed by Saint Benedict has the power to repel all evil, from demons to heathens. Fake copies of the cross turned into medals have the power to keep moderately powerful evils away from the holder. This is the original Cross and as such, it has the ability to completely repel all evils. The Cross can innately defend the holder from Magecraft up to D in the Magecraft scale. Anything above D has its ranked reduced. [i]Black Keys[/i] [i]A ring that gives the wearer Magic Resistance D [/i] All of Christelle's clothing, from her ropes to her habit are woven from Kevlar and protective charms, to protect from both magic and physical attacks. Several bibles, more than enough cash needed for her stay, pen, marker, engraving tools, a halberd, sash to carry halberd, sash to carry Saint Patrick's Staff, plenty of wine, and a notepad. [b]Skills:[/b] Singing, Cooking, Cleaning, Expert Penmanship, Eidetic Memory, Speed Reader, Medieval Halberd Fighting Style, and Driving, [/hider] [hider=Rider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Fn8kPA2.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Mug Ruith [b]Class:[/b] Rider [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Neutral [b]Personality:[/b] All Mug Ruith really cares about is knowledge, and is willing to do everything he can to achieve it. Despite living for over 2000 years, Mug Ruith still gets excited whenever the possibility of learning something new is presented. He feels blessed to have been reborn, and given the chance to experience the information in the modern world. He fights for his Master as he is grateful for them summoning him into this world. He is the silent type, preferring to stay silent until called upon, or he has the need to say something. In all honesty, he'd much rather be reading about the world than fighting, but oh well. He has a job to do it, and he'll do all in his power to achieve his goal of being reborn as a human, and achieving the Akashic Records. He likes long walks on the beach, as well as candy. [b]History:[/b] Mug Ruith was born in the era of the Tuatha Dé Danann. During this era, not many legends of him spring up, but he was known as a powerful druid mercenary. It was during this era that Mug Ruith lost his first eye, as he got lost within the Alps. The next time Mug Ruith appears in history is during the time of Simon Magus. After learning from everybody he good within Europe, Mug Ruith went down to Jerusalem to learn from Simon Magus. It was at this time that him, his daughter, and Simon Magus created Roth Rámach. While Mug Ruith was in Jerusalem, King Herod asked him to behead John The Baptist. Mug Ruith, fearing that the power of Christianity would overtake the Paganism in his homeland, had no problem assisting Herod in the task. Once this was accomplished, Mug Ruith and his daughter flew back to Ireland on Roth Rámach, demonstrating the power that Paganism had. To further demonstrate the power of his chariot and Paganism, Mug Ruith took onto his chariot, and stopped the course of the Sun for two whole days. It is possible that he might have been able to hold it back longer, but this also took his other eye. The next time Mug Ruith is seen in text is during the reign of High King Cormac mac Airt. He was hired by Fiachu Muillethan to defeat Cormac's army. Mug Ruith breathed once, causing a massive storm to rain on the tents of Cormac's soldiers, causing them to leave them. He breathed a second time, and all of the men turned to stone. Soon after, Cormac sent his most powerful druids to defeat Mug Ruith, but they were swiftly defeated in an elaborate magical battle. Cormac surrendered soon after, and Fiachu gave Mug Ruith some land to the north. Nothing else is really said about Mug Ruith, but it is safe to assume that he died when Christianity took over his homeland. He had failed his mission, and his people were corrupted by Christianity. [b]Weapon:[/b] Spear [b]Parameters:[/b] [i]Strength:[/i] C [i]Endurance:[/i] B [i]Agility:[/i] D [i]Mana: [/i]A [i]Luck:[/i] B [b]Class Skills: [/b] [i]Magic Resistance:[/i] B Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected. [i]Riding:[/i] A All creatures but those of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast-rank can be used as mounts. [b]Personal Skills:[/b] [i]Divinity:[/i] A At high levels one is treated as a mixed race of a Divine Spirit, and the level declines when the Heroic Spirit's own rank as a Monster, Demonic Beast raises. It can also decrease due one's dislike for the gods. It also has an effect which reduces special defensive values called "purge defense" in proportion to the Divinity's Rank. It can break through Skills such as Protection of the Faith and Enlightenment of the Sacred Fig. [i]High-Speed Divine Words:[/i] B The power to activate Thaumaturgy without the use of Magic Circuits. The language of the Age of Gods, back when words played a heavy role in spellcasting. As such, it is power long lost by modern magi. High-Thaumaturgy-level Magecraft can be cast at the speed of One-Line spells. [i]Shapeshift:[/i] C Refers to both borrowing bodies and appearance change. Mug Ruith can change the size of his body. [b]Noble Phantasm:[/b] [i]Name:[/i] Roth Rámach [i]Title:[/i] The Oared Wheel [i]Rank:[/i] A+ [i]NP Type:[/i] Anti-Army [i]Range:[/i] 2-50 [i]Maximum Number of Targets:[/i] 300 Description: Roth Rámach is a magical flying contraption built by Mug Ruith, his daughter Tlachta, and Simon Magus. It was created with the intent of showing that Paganism was greater than Christianity. It mostly acts as a flying chariot carrying Mug Ruith wherever he desires. Outside of that, it does have an active effect when its name is called. One legend states that Mug Ruith lost sight in one of his eyes by stopping the course of the sun for two days with Roth Rámach. When Mug Ruith calls his chariot's name, it channels the power that was needed to hold the sun at bay for two days. Flames begin to surround the chariot, and it runs towards its target as if it was moving as fast as the sun, leaving nothing but destruction and fire behind it. Given its initial purpose of proving the Celtic pantheon was superior, it gains a modifier against Non-Celtic beings with divinity. If Galantine has the power of a pseudo-sun, Roth Rámach comes close to the real thing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Name:[/i] Anáil an Gruid [i]Title: [/i]The Druid's Mystical Breath [i]Rank:[/i] A+ [i]NP Type:[/i] Anti-Army [i]Range:[/i] 1-60 [i]Maximum Number of Targets:[/i] 200 [i]Description:[/i] If there is anything in Mug Ruith's legend that rivals his mystical flying machine, it is his magical breath. Mug Ruith's breath, when he chooses too of course, can do turn everything in its path to stone. Anything that has a Rank C or lower in Mana will be immediately petrified, while those with Rank B may or may not be affected depending of the conditions. Those with Rank A or higher won’t be petrified, but will sustain "pressure" from the Breath and receive a one rank-down to all parameters that will last until combat is over. The entire body of the target will be affected, including clothing and weaponry, "killing them while alive" as they are turned to stone. [/hider]