[hider=Ek'ork] [img]http://www.lqs-art.com/upfile/2012102501686377231.jpg[/img] Standing at 6'9 he is a giant man, even among his people the average height is 6'5. He has porcelain white skin and black eyes through and through. Weighing 250lbs of pure muscle he is a monster to be hold. Usually wearing casual cloths and suits. Name: Ek'ork Alias: The Founder/Eroric (those who cannot say his name call him Eroric) Age: 345 Gender: Male Species: Descender Personality: Ek'ork is a temperamental man. Most of the others of his species are all very respectful of their prince, but the human soon learn that he is quick to snap at any one. Like any prince when he ask for something he expects it no matter what, or there will be sever consequences. When coming to Earth he did not like their customs and traditions at all and had a problem adjusting. His mind is not one so easily conquered. It is vast, unlike humanity who can only use 5-16% of their brain capacity, his people can use up to 60% and it makes them different. They are numb to most human emotions and he does not quiet understand right and wrong just yet. History: Ek'ork lived as a prince on his home world, it was a dying planet and his people knew that, they understood that it was a dog eat dog world and the royalty had the biggest say in anything. Due to his fathers falling health it was getting close to the crowning ceremony, where the prince eats the father while he dies. In his society the minds of the people are connected by a mind link. Being an all male society, the more dominant males have royal blood in their veins and have better control over the others, acting as the queen bee of the planets hive. While the weaker males have little to know royal blood and are the worker bees. Ek'ork was next in line to take over the crown , which is know as the nexus. The Nexus is the hub for the mental links, which is why the kings get older and older as the years go on. So the previous king will find another 'proper' male and they would grow an egg using both of their genes. This is how Ek'ork came to be, his father (mother) was a warrior and fought in the many different wars waged by his people, while his other father (father/the king) has been ruling for 1000 years. He has just reached maturity and was now fit for the crown and just as he finished eating his father alive and accepting the Nexus, his world puffed out its last breath. Everything was falling apart and now as king Ek'ork had made the decision to leave, grabbing his only reaming father and trusted advisers, he left the little red world and watched it explode. HE could feel the instant deaths of millions of his people and it was a pain he will never forget. They found Earth by accident and thought it was a world easily inhabited. So they landed in secret and soon began to watch the humans before striking. There were only about 250 of his people left and after 5 years of observation they strike. What he did not know was that they had been found out and the humans were ready for him. 3 years of long war later and his population had been dropped down to 65. He called for peace and bought it with advanced technology and money. After the war he bought he and his people their 'humanity' and American Citizenship he took up home in Lochwell. He was, is, and will be an impatient man so he did not really get human customs and traditions until he ate one. This is how his people relay information form other people. They did not even speak English or any other Earth language until he ate his first human. WGUF-What Got You Famous: After the war and a few years of living in Lochwell, Ek'ork was called in by the president for a 'check-up' and followed suit. He went to the white house and met the previous president, an arrogant man who did very many disrespectful looking things to Ek'ork's POV. Growing enraged by the minute Ek'ork finally snapped and ate the man. The first human he every ate was the president of the united states and he did it in a savage manner. Blood and leftover body parts could be seen throughout the Oval Office. He was apprehended on the spot and sent to ICF for permanent incarceration. His people were not reprimanded though and still run his gang on the outside. Equipment: He has a [url=http://www.gforcemodels.com/images/Chair-Suit-1.jpg]war suit[/url] that he wears during combat. Powers/Abilities/Skills/Talents:His people are naturally strong in nature, being able to lift ten times their weight like ants, they also have their own martial arts system. He was trained by a warrior and bred for combat. His strikes are hard and he can kill anything in 10 different ways or more. He is a hunter and has instincts like one. Due to him having the Nexus his brain usage jumps to 75%. This gives him prime control over his own body. He can control two different things, his density. Making himself as light as a feather, giving him flight, or as heavy and hard as a star, giving him an added punch. Ek'ork can phase through objects as well by reducing his density to allow him to go through solid objects, or vice versa. Weakness: Ek'ork is a King of his people, this mean a lot. The Nexus is a heavy burden and even though he will not die for many thousands of years (due to low population) Using the Nexus is a great burden and a last resort. After it gets used he needs time to recover from fatigue, duration depending on how long he has been using. He is not bullet proof by any means, only when he is using the Nexus, but during normal combat he can be shot and cut and broken like anyone else. Also his massive structure is a problem in many cases, small confined spaces are not his forte and he sends people do that for him. Secret Hideout: The [url=https://aftermathasagabegins.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/aftermath-command-vessel-2.jpg]Mothership[/url] of his people is hidden some where in the Pacific ocean, but their base of operations and only access point is in a [url=http://www.kempinski.com/assets/kempinski-hotel-bristol-berlin/RestaurantsBars/Bilder/_resampled/SetWidth1700-Kempinski-Hotel-Bristol-Berlin-Gastronomie-Bristol-Bar.jpg]bar[/url] owned by him. Relationships: [/hider]