First OOC Post: General introduction and forms. Second OOC Post will be: The Factions, and Maps for the school. Third OOC Post will be: Once we have them all, the Factions, and the named cast. Hello, everyone, since I got enough people interested, we can finally kick this off in a not-so rampant way. For a quick recap, check on the Casual Interest Check page; [url][/url], because I am too lazy to point out everything again, even too lazy to copy-paste le dumb plot that was thought up upon. So, aside to that, let's cut to the chase, the good stuff, if you've already read it. Technically, yes, and no, this will be Faction and/or Arena based, but your character isn't required to fight or be part of any faction, they can be independent. They can also observe how their normal school life during middle school had now just gotten over-the-top and crazy. This specific post will be regarding character and faction posts, and once I give your character a good look over, I'll reply whether or not you pass this preliminary test, which shouldn't be so hard, right? Right. So without further ado, before I put down those posts in OOC here, I'm going to lie down these basic rules, which is typically just the standard roleplay courtesy we all know, so. Not gonna go over that much. But aside to that, there are a few things that I wish to let you all know: There is already a predetermined map for the most part, and some faction dorms may/will be off of school grounds to compensate. Some may not even have a dorm (I.E. Hand of Midnight). I may make a north outside field and a south outside field to place more areas essential to holding the endgame area. Even if someone else caps the endgame area, that doesn't mean you've automatically lost, you can still try to wrest it from their faction. There is a limited amount of Factions that I'd prefer in the start, you can make factions midway, primarily to broaden the playing scope a bit more. All factions will have generic students to make said faction appear bigger, although actual, named characters will be considered overall, more powerful than a generic student. Keep in mind this doesn't make the generic students mooks, however. If there is, in any case, a disagreement, during roleplaying or interacting with your fellow RPers here, and it's a problem. Feel free to let me or any Co-GM I may have appointed, know. Classes take precedence over faction wars and brawls, any fighting during a class may result in disciplinary action, depending on the teacher. Factions are allowed to team up during gym class, which is the only part where faction wars are technically applicable, but are competing in actual sports. Your faction isn't required to take part in the faction war. Teachers cannot and WILL NOT take part in the faction war as a combatant, but can join Factions and act as aides or support, as well as breaking up any fights which could end in grievous bodily harm for a student. Teachers are considered just as great, if not, better combatants than graduates. Teachers found participating in the faction war amongst other things, can be subsequently fired. You can make up a maximum of three characters, yes, they can be in different factions. Do note that if you want to make more, you'll need to either convince me to let you, or watch as I up the cap. Boring stuff outta the way, let's get to the fun part! Open Faction slots: 2 (1 pending) [hider=Faction Sheet] [h1] Faction name here,[/h1] *Along with the name being in it's respective primary color, it's recommended you don't choose the same main color as another faction unless the trim is so different that anyone can tell whom is what. Any shared primary color will have the first faction to claim the primary have said color, where the other faction will be in a lighter or darker shade. [img]Faction symbol here (not required, can be described)[/img] Any sort of quote here, [h2] General Info [/h2] *Age: *Colors: A primary and a secondary, perhaps a tertiary too *Style: What defines the faction, particularly during *Grades: Grades can consist of ninth to 4 years in college, then onwards the student is considered a graduate due to having passed the requirements to get a notable degree. *Distinguishable Features **Anything that makes a member standout can be put here *Special Benefits **Up to two unique traits that a faction has, they cannot share anything with any other faction. [h2] Founder [/h2] *Founder name is here [h2] Brief History [/h2] *Any sort of details on the backstory of the faction, why it's formed, what they're aiming for, is put here. [h2] Standings with other factions [/h2] *A list can be provided here to put out the standing of the faction and what it possesses or thinks of others. Instead of the faction's name being highlighted in it's respective primary color, it can go under a color meaning, the following being. Do note that what one faction feels about the other, the other may not feel the same way. Do note if another faction shows up, you may need to update this page, but it's not required seeing it's automatically indifferent, unless there's other reasons. **[color=9e0b0f][b]Sworn Enemies[/b][/color] - This faction usually won't ally under any circumstance, and are out to grind the other in the dust, even if it means to bend the rules a bit or to set one another up. **[color=ed1c24][b]Hostile[/b][/color] - This faction will attack the other faction's members on sight, provided it's within the school rules to do so. Most members of this faction may try to bully the others within the opposite faction, if tensions rise further, they can probably become sworn enemies if it gets worse. **[color=f26522][b]Unfriendly[/b][/color] - Tensions this faction holds are felt quite often with the other, the members of this faction don't generally treat the other with respect, let alone, may be prone to lashing out, and occasionally bullying. **[color=f7941d][b]Cautious[/b][/color] - This faction is treating the other faction members in caution, not necessarily hostile, but wary of them. Some tension may be between this faction and the other, but not enough for hatred, but rather light dislike. **[color=fdc68a][b]Selfish Allies[/b][/color]- This faction is allied with the other faction, not particularly out of positive opinion or support, but because the founder or leaders demanded it, or because they have a greater enemy to fight. The alliance is not looked at positively by the members, and could lead to fragile shattering. This is considered to where they dislike the other faction more than liking them. **[color=fff200][b]Neutrality[/b][/color] - This faction could honestly care less about the other, they feel indifferent, nothing too much about it. **[color=6ecff6][b]Frenemies[/b][/color] - This faction seems to randomly shift with the other, but apparently does whatever they do, with, or against it, in an air of friendliness. Even if they beat them silly, they seem to just broaden their positive perspective more than it does for a negative. This is considered to where they like the other faction more than disliking them. **[color=00aeef][b]Positive[/b][/color] - This faction holds a positive opinion towards the other, but isn't too much upon being friendly towards them, the positive reasons can be anywhere from selfish to them sharing a common enemy. **[color=00a99d][b]Friendly[/b][/color] - This faction bears no ill will to the other, and are more likely to jump to fight by their side than against it. **[color=39b54a][b]Allied[/b][/color] - This faction is allied with the other, don't be surprised if you find two members from both sides dating, or finding members from both factions in social groups. **[color=00a651][b]Coalition[/b][/color] - Almost acting as if they're one who faction, the relations between these two are close enough to where they could just be considered one faction, possibly never betraying the other. [h2] Trivia [/h2] *Why is this here again? [/hider] [hider=CS] [h1] ? ? ? [/h1] *Character name here, along with having the respective color of whatever faction they're in, if not, then leave it colorless or a faded color that represents the character. Reference picture goes here *Character quote goes here too. [h2] General info, chronological and physical. [/h2] *Chronological Age: *Physical Age: *Status: *Weight: *Height: *Gender: *Eye Color: *Hair Color: *Physical Build: *Grade: Same as Faction, except you pick one grade. Which can be from High School level to first four years of College level. *Distinguishable Features **Any features distinguishing the character, such as scars or tattoos, can go here. [h3] History/Bio [/h3] *History here [h3] Personality [/h3] *Persona here [h3] Abilities, and Weaponry[/h3] *Abilities and Weapons go here. [h3] Optional Relations Section [/h3] *Does your character have an open mouth about who they think of someone? Refer to the Faction relation sub-table to replicate it and put it here. [/hider] Thanks for your interest and support! I look forward to RPing with you if you've applied and passed! If you don't pass, well, try try again. Coming soon: All notable factions, you can go and create your Character Sheet now, and decide what faction they're in later, otherwise, you can say they're part of one of the three preview factions I put on the Interest Check page. --Sol