And now for the bigger moment you've all been waiting for, factions! Relations will be determined soon. [hider=Faction: Masquerade] [color=630460][h1] Masquerade [/h1][/color] [img][/img] "I-It's not them I'm worried about...I-it's those masks...what if it's my best friend wearing that mask!?" Masquerade is a faction within the school, their members are known for their masks. They are denoted by the colors black and purple, and their map color is a dark violet. Above is their Leader, Tetsugaku's mask. [h2] General info [/h2] *Age: One Year *Colors: Black and Purple (Dark Violet on the school map) *Style: Speed-based, Passive-Aggressive. *Grades: 10-C3 *Distinguishable Features **Members all wear masks **Members are usually introverted, and even wear masks in class, where the Teacher'll likely refer them as simply 'Masquerade' *Notable and Unique Benefits **Members stay ''anonymous'' and causes intimidation to foes, often decreases morale. Potential spies in other factions **Members' introverted nature allows for increased benefits with certain areas, mainly that of the library, may skim the internet and books for finding counters against other factions, and potential discovery of enemy attacks. [h2] The big shots [/h2] *Ankokuousama Tetsugaku (Tetsugaku Volkov) *Natascha Volkov [h1] Their backstory [/h1] Given a history with anonymous figures, not much as been known of Masquerade since they've existed, though what is known is that with last year's competition, Masquerade was one of the best, aside to Raijin, who was also a top faction. Masquerade was noted for picking off the weaker factions with such ease and clarity, which is why most of the factions from last year have not been around currently..It is known that the key to Masquerade's last year success is a rapid member gain, along with the members' anonymous nature causing a notable decrease in morale. Masquerade quickly went from being just another faction, to a largely intimidating force mainly towards of how well their capabilities were coordinated in a short amount of time. They tied for first place with Raijin, and two other factions last year. The other factions having disbanded since their leaders have graduated college. [h1] Their leadership [/h1] Last year, Tetsu has led the faction with his sister, where Tetsu was more of an army commander, where his sister kept morale up, and would lead their troops into battle. Now, this year, with Tetsu's sister having left, Tetsu now leads the forces into battle, combined with his knowledge from last year. He serves as the main leader, where no one is known as a second-in-command. [/hider] [hider=Faction; Blitzwehr] [h1] [color=ed1c24]Blitzwehr[/color] [/h1] [img][/img] Blitzwehr is a faction within the school. They are regulated by their electro magnetic tech and the crimson shield bolt armbands on their right arms. [h2] General Info [/h2] *Age: 1 year *Colors: Crimson and White (Blood red on the Map) *Style: Speedy conquests and defensive tactics *Grades: 11-C4 *Distinguishable Features **All members wear an armband on their right arm with a Crimson red shield showing a White bolt on it. The band's actual color depends on the wearer's choice. **Most have some kind of technology on themselves, being of their choice as long as it is electro-magnetic. *Special Benefits **The members of Blitzwehr are fast, agile, and smart with lightning fast reflexes and quick wits. (When called upon in classes to answer questions, the answer quickly and accurately.) **Every member has a special braclet on their off-hand which powers an electro-magnetic shield that can withstand most attacks. [h2] The (absent) Founder [/h2] *Majitsu Kurosaki [h1]Background[/h1] The faction, having just showed up recently in a rather quick form, they have quickly taken up pace to go toe to toe with the other factions. They stand as the underdog against Masquerade and Raijin, being one of the few factions to have survived the onslaught in the previous year, but hope to be able to catch up to them before their leader graduates into the college semesters, then post college after. As of recently, they have grown in ranks quickly, but hope to gain a larger team before they try to set up a campaign against the larger factions. Currently they are only trying to bring in people who are willing to join in the fight, not really having any specific coordination as most seem to have. They continue to fight for some part of dominance, working towards a spot in the top three as their first goal. At least, for now, the founder had all but vanished, which Blitzwehr continues the fight. [/hider] [hider=Faction; Raijin] [h1] [color=00a651]Raijin[/color] [/h1] [img][/img] " We are Raijin, We do not strive for fame and glory, We strive to be the best!~" Yumiko Amakasu [h2] General Info [/h2] *Age: One Year *Colors: Silver/Green *Style: Speed, Hit-'n'-Run *Grades: Mixture of 9-12 *Distinguishable Features **It's known that some parts to their outfit has the whirlwind symbol. *Special Benefits **Nimble and Quick, members are notable to be faster and have better reaction rates than their fellow students. **Deadly Precision, members have better aiming than their peers, especially with ranged bow weapons. [h2] Background [/h2] Raijin is a faction created by Yumiko Amakasu. She created this faction after noticing the lack of students who use speed instead of power. She hopes that she will create a new generation of soldiers that will be able to flee from any sort of danger then shoot them from afar after escaping their range. Aside to that, ever since it's formation, Raijin became a notable contender. Having given a new way of fighting to the school with it's hit and run tactics, as well as fast students being able to carry it out. [h2] Founder [/h2] *Yumiko Amakasu [/hider] [hider=Faction; Zodiac] [h1][color=aba000]Zodiac[/color] [/h1] [img][/img] "We fight to survive; success is merely a spoil of war. So long as we survive we will ensure that every fighter has his day." ~Ayumu Takamiya Zodiac is one of the older remaining factions at the school, whose goal is to the keep battlefield in order and the game interesting. *Age: Two years *Colors: Bronze and Gold *Style: Tactical - outsmart opponents *Grades: 9 - C1 *Distinguishable Features: **High ranking members codenamed after western starsigns. ***Public unaware which members have which codenames. (excl. Founder - Gemini) **All members have symbol corresponding to the codename of their commanding officer tattooed on their left cheek. *Special Benefits: **Members gain morale bonus to stealth, accuracy, and evasion when fighting alongside other members. Bonus is double when fighting alongside Founder. **Members are more adaptable than other factions in rooms they do not control. [h2] Background [/h2] Zodiac was formed by Ayumu Takamiya during his Junior year, for the purpose of bringing together students who had great potential but lacked confidence in their own unique talents. Ayumu saw that many of the controlling factions at the time were nearing the end of their days, and wanted to prevent the school from falling under the control of one or two new factions. By boosting the confidence of younger students and encouraging them to take part in the battles between factions, Ayumu was able to quickly make Zodiac into a significant power in the school. They've never been the highest ranked faction, but are always a contender, and they always make an impact. [h2] Leadership [/h2] Zodiac has been led by Ayumu Takamiya since its creation. Beneath Ayumu are 11 high-ranked members known as the Horoscope. Each Horoscope is given the title Captain and codenamed after one of the 12 Western starsigns, while Ayumu himself has the title of Major and is codenamed Gemini. All other members of Zodiac report imediately to one of the Horoscope, wearing a tatoo of the corresponding starsign on their cheek. Each Horoscope, rather than wearing a tattoo of the Gemini starsign, wears their own starsign to ensure that they rank remains unknown to other Factions. [/hider] [hider=Faction; Royalty] [h1] [color=fff200]Royalty[/color][/h1] [img][/img] "It's always about the money. The rest of you are simply a divided class and beneath our heel." [h2] General Info [/h2] *Age: Speculated half a decade. *Colors: Gold, silver and pale green. *Style: Booming technology *Grades: 9-C4 *Distinguishable Features **The only high-class faction in the school. But doesn't have all the high-class students. **Of course, they have showy clothes to boot. Clothes usually have a gold dollar sign, rank is represented by fake US Dollars on their shoulders. *Special Benefits **Can bribe teachers to overlook issues, success depends on the teacher morality, teachers caught taking bribes will be fired. **Can potentially buy memberships. [h2] Founder [/h2] *Money. It runs this faction, have the most, you're the leader. Joking aside, no, there is no defined leader, persay. [h2] Brief History [/h2] *Royalty is one of the few long running factions to've survived last years' onslaught, the membership is constantly handed out in the sort of corporate ownership, should the kingpin get taken out of leadership or graduate, it's usually the next in line that accepts the next term. Although while this may lead to infighting, defection, or discouraging new members. The faction has nonetheless still proved to be a thorn in the side of those whom stand against them, having authority and a few corrupted teachers at their back. Their money is usually done to get favors, and thus, most of the other factions don't take too kindly of a liking to Royalty's antics, as the name sounds pretentious to them. It's said that during last year's competition, that Natascha showed such feral behavior and barbarism in combat that not only this unsettled some of Royalty's members, but made them hate going up against Masquerade. [h2] Standings with other factions [/h2] **[color=9e0b0f][b]Raijin[/b][/color] - Yumiko's the only rich girl who hasn't joined us. This is something we cannot allow for, ever. **[color=ed1c24][b]Masquerade[/b][/color] - Tch, nerds, these guys act so tough behind their masks, but if we break the mask, surely they'll crumble. We have better technology too, but they might have their little LARP magic to hide behind on top of it. Our mothers and fathers will be happy if we manage to grind the Volkov family's reputation into the dust. **[color=fff200][b]Zodiac[/b][/color] - We don't know too much about them. **[color=6ecff6][b]Blitzwehr[/b][/color] - Some of these guys work on our racing cars and the like, but we can't help but scoff at their bluecollar means of wealth. Some of them may have the potential to be rich athletes, though, so. [h2] Trivia [/h2] *This is basically shitting on Corporate America, here. [/hider] [hider=Faction; Panacea] [h1][color=6ecff6]Panacea[/color][/h1] [img]Faction symbol here (not required, can be described)[/img] Any sort of quote here, [h2] General Info [/h2] *Age: Five years old *Colors: Pale Blue and White *Style: Samaritanism on one half, business on the other. *Grades: Assumed 12-C4 *Distinguishable Features **Anything that makes a member standout can be put here *Special Benefits **Members are taught vast medical information and are thus, not only resistant to status affects and ailments, but are rarely sick. **All members possess bits of medicine to share or use to heal themselves or others. The higher the rank, the higher the amount. [h2] Founder [/h2] Hira Sojikina [h2] Brief History [/h2] Panacea was formed five years ago. Unlike other factions, it's rise grew, not from fighting and competition, but from the steady accumulation of favors and bribes gained from healing various facs. Their main goal was initially to ensure the peace and safety of their fellow students. While it has changed and altered, the endpoint of caring for the injured has remained. So long as you have the right price, of course. Any sort of medical in the school ended up being replaced by the members of Panacea, and in turn, they shortly became half of the time, good Samaritans, the other half, doctors that rip you out of your money for saving your life. [h2] Standings with other factions [/h2] **[color=9e0b0f][b]Pick a fight in our Infirmary?[/b][/color] - We'll sucker punch you and move on with our lives. And we don't forget. **[color=fdc68a][b]Unruly patients[/b][/color]- We have the right to refuse service! **[color=fff200][b]Normal Patients[/b][/color] - You're hurt, we'll nurse you back to health!♪♫ **[color=00a99d][b]Lovely Patients[/b][/color] - Those who come in to seek treatment, are courteous and kind, will always receive our utmost treatment!♥ [h2] Trivia [/h2] *Why is this here again? [/hider] Among 2 others pending approval/waiting on response [h1] Maps!! [/h1] These are HUGE, so just right click and View Image to view it in a better, more suitable manner. SPECIAL NOTE; These Maps are from a previous version of the RP, therefore faction control areas may not be the same. [hider=Basement] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Floor1] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Floor2] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Floor3] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Floor4] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Roof and Outside (Outdoors Central)] [img][/img] [/hider]