I'd say this is definitely constructive criticism. I get where you're coming from, Reap, which is why I'm confused about what you're trying to do with this character. You're trying to go with ninja princess, which is fine, but you're trying to do warrior princess at the same time which really doesn't fit the dynamic. Either you attack from the shadows and slit people's throats or you attack them head-on: the former makes you a ninja and the latter makes you a warrior. I might suggest taking a different angle: try going with supernatural/mystical powers instead of raw combat ability. It'd fit the theme better and it'd make your character stand out more. We've got a bunch of people who can hack each other to bits with swords, but we don't have someone who can do cool mystical stuff and slashes throats. Just because you aren't fighting doesn't mean that there's nothing for you to do. I get the distinct feeling that there's going to be a good bit of intrigue in this game, so having someone who's really good at finding out people's secrets would make you incredibly powerful. It would be a bad idea to attack your character because doing so risks having all of your secrets revealed. That's much more fitting for the ninja princess theme.