It didn't take long for Girard to realize just how much the exhaustion, the kid, and now arguing had taken out of Ditch. There really was no room left for a good mood when even the help was pressing a bit, though he figured some rest and food could solve that in a hurry. She did have a point about what information they had now in that it was just the tip of the iceberg which meant they all had a lot of work to do. Sure maybe the rest of them weren't as skilled at getting information or piecing things together but they could try if anything to lessen the pressure resting solely on Ditch as of yet. Would be more or less difficult for some of them to get info but if it came down to it someone could find at least something on or off patrol he hoped whether or not they knew where to look. As for the little guy it pretty much went down to who took up the call and the rest of them could pitch in from there to help him not just by money but maybe finding the parents who were likely worried out of they're minds. [i]Crappy situation but wouldn't be the first time any of us were in one, just gotta tackle it as best we can.[/i] The big guy thought not entirely sure where to start beyond getting transport for the kid once he woke up. He noticed Wraith talking to TB after both Reaper and Ditch had shut them up and it didn't seem like a continuation so maybe they had cooled off. Would be for the better really because they couldn't afford to be at each others throats right now with all of the danger to come. It didn't have to be perfect but as long as they could operate without it devolving as much that would be enough for Tank. Hell the arguing among them could provide an opportunity that the mind controller could use, anger tended to be a distraction and if it was possible to resist by force of will alone there could be no distractions or things could get bad quick. It seemed like the younger woman was also not entirely together a few moments ago due to the kid but he could understand to an extent him not being excused of fault for having killed a couple criminals. "Long as we keep our heads on proper the whole mind control thing might be less of an issue, just can't give them an easy time is all. Maybe the rest of us keep our eyes and ears open too in the meantime. Never know if something important might slip then we could have something to go on eh?" Girard said probably a bit more confident on the mind control front than he actually felt but the point was made. If there was any chance in hell that they could find something for Ditch and the others to go off of it seemed like a risk that might be worth taking, them going after leads.