Grick didn't realize what was going on with the Captain at first. He had never seen this happen before, one of the aliens collapsing to the ground like this. Perhaps it was a consequence of life in two dimensions. Then he saw the distress in her eyes, and he began to plod forward at what seemed to him to be a very fast pace. Nevertheless he failed to reach her before she hit the ground. Grick folded his arms over his chest in concern as he looked down at her, his eyes frantically scanning her body for a sign of some wound. It was... disquieting to see her in this fashion, the woman usually so in control of the situation laid low. "Friends? Friends? The Captain Ak'sel has fallen. I fear I am unaware if this is common among aliens. Is this common? I have not seen it before." Rigger took this time to continue the debate about the crew's course of action, which Grick listened to with one hearing-hole while poking the Captain with one tendril. His arguments were good, Grick had to admit, save for his theory that the Children - the 'Freckans', as the aliens said - might be next to disappear. [i]We are held in His dark palm. We are safe.[/i] Captain Ak'sel awoke a moment later, and struggled to regain her footing. Grick lowered his voice and wrapped the tendrils of one of his hands awkwardly around her waist, hoisting her into the air with his prodigious strength. "Captain Ak'sel, you have fallen. Allow me to lift you," he said, almost visibly shrinking away from Rigger's accusations.