With a dark crystal blue hue of light dancing apon the edge of the cave Reaver felt compelled to rest. Although nocturnal nights had become clearly much to cold to endure and Delsa whom he currently held onto already strived to keep him warm. She simply let him hold onto her without question which he appreciated greatly despite only displaying so with his head resting snuggle apon her shoulder. At this point he could see her wings make continued attempts to heal which partially disheartened the male as he hoped she wouldn't simply leave him to freeze if they healed before managing to depart from the sky islands. On similar notes he also felt attached to the girl in some extent because of the recent companionship that Reaver honestly felt he'd miss the miniscule social interactions. All that thinking mental wearing him down lead for him to slowly become limp as he slept still resting apon Delsa's warm skin bathing in the radiance of heat. His brilliant green eyes sealed away by black scaled eye lids followed his tail being left coiled behind her. If wasn't obvious he was sleeping the small whistle of his sharp teeth were sure to make it clear as he shifted moving his face to accommodate the crook of her neck. If he was still awake he would have lurked back in embarrassment but in the temporary bliss Delsa was able to witness how comfortable Reaver found her company with the unconscious affectionate nestle. [@Song Book]