[quote=@Pirouette] Alright so I'm finally back in my sweet and lovely home so I don't have to use my terrible phone. Anyway, don't worry too much about what I said. I might have been speculating a bit on Zhal's reason, but I feel like the RP took a turn for something different than what I expected. With A Song of Ice and Fire, I had expected something more enveloped in the politics and intrigue and so on. But judging from the first few pages, it is just kind of a social club or something. Not that isn't necessarily bad or anything and I get that can change as we get further in the story. It's just that on first impression it seems that way. My biggest gripe is that I'm rather slow at posting things, especially now with finals and work, so I did not expect to be two pages behind tonight. Some people have already posted 3 times before I have even said hello! Of course, I don't want to be "that person" because I've seen my request for people to wait, really harm the RP. Slowing down everyone just for me can kind of cause a wane of interest here and I don't want to do that. So I can try keeping up, for what it is worth. [/quote] Ah don't worry Pir! This is just a carry-over of people's initial interest and hype to start. It'll die down soon enough and we'll get into a little rhythm of posting. As for the other issue, I imagine putting a bunch of teenagers in a room in any sort of universe would garner a somewhat similar response but leave it for a bit and you'll see things begin to emerge. The ensemble of characters is quite unique and some will try to just brute force their way through things while others will use politics, eventually. Plus you have the whole Lord of the Moon subplot which should be interesting! [@Lionheart] Woooohh! Get 'em Brandon! I have a feeling they're going to be awkward allies. Something tells me that Toran is going to ruin that conversation... It's just a hunch though!