[i][b][center]Japan, Edo[/center][/i][/b] [i][center]The season was spring...the cherry blossoms were beginning to bloom. The sun shone beautifully and there was a nice breeze that traveled over the land. Inside the city of Edo, the people were using the days excellent weather to their full advantage. Merchants were out and about selling goods, musicians played traditional music with shamisens and other instruments, workers were travelling left and right carrying heavy loads over their shoulders, children played in the street, and the Samurai were patrolling around to keep the city peaceful and in line. Up on the hill of Edo stood the towering castle, where Lord Nobunaga resided in. His courtyard was lavish and grand, the courtyard filled with the beauties of nature It was the perfect day...[/center][/i] Masamune had finished with carrying a large wooden pole for an older male, a peasant worker obviously, and waved off his thanks telling him it was no big deal. Wiping the sweat from his face, he remembered how Nobunaga had specifically told him to meet in the castle for an important council meeting for the Generals. He was busy though, helping around the streets to those who worked hard. Seeing a small group of children run past him made him smile as he rested his hand on his katana's sheath. "Ignorance is bliss, I suppose." Sighing out and scratching the back of his head, Masamune continued on and ended up passing by a nearby inn, where Oda clan samurai and ashigaru were celebrating in their most recent victory at Okehazama, where they crushed Imagawa Yoshimoto. This kind of celebration was a disgust to him, for a Samurai had to be always ready for battle. The fact that they were drinking merrily pissed him off so much that he had to calm his wits and walk outside of the cities gates and down a dirt path outside of the city walls to find some peace in a nearby garden. He always tended this garden, watching out for it and checking for it's any needs. He sat on a rock next to a small stream and smiled, feeling content. With that, he took off his eyepatch and set it to his side under his hand....and breathed in the fresh air.