[center][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/wUks8ar.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/bMwCiYF.gif[/img] [u][b]Time: [/b][/u]The end of lunch [b][u]Location: [/u][/b]Beverly Halls of Beverly Hills High [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Davy [@Universorum] [/center][hr][hr] Viola kept her eyes on Davy. It was interesting to see someone act like that. Usually when Viola would give a direct compliment to any guy or girl, they would return the favor by giving Viola one back. Usually, at this point of meeting someone, Viola Banks was already making out with the person, but this one seemed to be confused as to whom exactly Viola was calling handsome. She couldn't contain herself, lightly giggling at Davy. When Davy began to speak about how he wasn't called handsome and how he knew her name, Viola curled her tongue along her lips. If there was anything to know about Viola Banks, it was that she wasn't subtle about her intentions. Well, at least when it came to boys. No, definitely not when it came to the male gender. If she found you attractive in any way, Violandrea Jessibelle Banks will show you as obvious as she possibly could. [color=goldenrod][b]"I'm flattered, Davy. You know my name before I even gave it to you."[/b][/color] Viola shot Davy an impressed, flirtatious smile. [color=goldenrod][b]"But please, Violandrea is such a unattractive name. If you must, call me Viola."[/b][/color] she said. While he spoke, mainly about how he heard things about her — [color=goldenrod][i]I'm sure you have, handsome[/i][/color] — Viola was inspecting every aspect of his face. She saw the way his light brown eyes were trying to maintain contact with her, but she caught his gaze fall past her eyes, and to her purple dress. Normal women would be offended by that, citing something like "my eyes are up here", but Viola didn't mind. In fact, when his eyes fell briefly onto the sight of how her curves seemed to be naturally complimented by her dress, a moan-like noise came from her mouth, showing her approval. [color=goldenrod][b]"Aren't you sweet."[/b][/color] Viola said, giving Davy a teasing tone. Viola noticed that frown. Intrigued, Viola wondered, but she didn't verbally address it, not when she would get to spent more time with this interesting man as he offered to walk her to class. [color=goldenrod][b]"And here I thought chivalry died."[/b][/color] Viola seemed genuinely surprised but she wouldn't let that show. [color=goldenrod][b]"Yes, you may walk me to my next class. I have English, so it'll be a long walk, Davy. That will give us more time to get more acquainted with each other."[/b][/color] Viola said, shooting a wink to Davy's direction. Being the girl that Viola was, she made the first move of wrapping her arm around Davy's arm. [color=goldenrod][b]"Oh, quite the built man, aren't you?"[/b][/color] One surprise after another. Maybe this one was more than met the eyes. [color=goldenrod][i]We shall see, won't we?[/i][/color]