[color=f7941d][centre][h3]Leo[/h3][/centre] Interacting with: [/color]Evie and Natalia [hr] Leo smiled sweetly at Evie as she introduced herself and patiently waited for Evie's hand to come into contact with his, however, he was slightly taken aback when the other girl, who introduced herself as her cousin, took his hand instead. Nevertheless, he gave her a firm shake and returned her smile. "Yep!" He replied cheerfully, "No wonder I thought you two looked alike. Are you both weapons?" He asked, "Weapons bloodline?" he arched one eyebrow up in question. "Sorry, I don't mean any offence, just curious." He smiled apologetically. [hr] [color=ed145b][centre][h3]Misha[/h3][/centre] Interacting with: [/color]Nobody [hr] Misha yawned for the nth time as she watched the people in the classroom start to mingle with each other. She didn't expect that she'd come to class early, and thus had not prepared anything as entertainment while she waited. She considered going up to one of the hot guys and flirting with them, but felt too tired to do so, having not slept early the day before. "Damn...shouldn't have stayed up all night reading magazines..." she murmured, feeling another yawn come up. After a few more minutes of trying to stay awake, there was finally something going on. A teacher had walked in, quieted the class and instructed everyone to gather around the front table. S/he then introduced her/himself and gave a welcome speech. Feeling herself about to fall asleep, Misha gave her cheeks a slight pinch. The teacher then went on to what Misha felt was the highlight of the day, the pairing of partners. One by one, the teacher called out the names of her classmates and revealed the pairs. "As this class has an odd number of students, unfortunately the Meister Leo Beltz will have two weapons. Do not worry, this is only a temporary arrangement until a free Meister is found," The teacher explained, "As this is only the first day of school, we've arranged for a welcome party for everyone! Please follow me." Misha groaned, although she loved parties, she was feeling so tired she didn't want to have to deal with one right now. "Wonder who this Hayes person is..." She mumbled as she followed her class and the teacher to the party venue, remembering only the first name of her partner.