Hi, Xist! Sooooooooooooooo likes it^^ Awwwws... so saaads... Shubject 1126 is all whimpering-like... sads U,u! Soooo... like is muh Subject NV-317 and yer Subject 1126 friends-like? Wulp... if not... TOO BAD XDDDD 'cuz Dani likes Lukie! Like not like likes him cuz she likes likey LURVS<3 girlies^^ But still... Dani likes Lukie like wants to be friends like. K? But just wanna know anywho for muh post. Urms... thanks ya! ~Edz~ ~BOING!!!!!~ Urmugurd! Theres a peep who is interested still in the interest check! Urshums!!!<3