[quote=@Halvtand] Monday!!! This week, I’m going to have you all take part in creating something for the game! Out in the big scary world there are groups of rogue ninjas running around, doing ninja stuff and being awesome. Which we are not. One of these groups will have a role to play in this game, but as the GM of this game is lazy (‘tis I!) I have only been able to come up with a character concept for a few members. Therefore, I want to see what you can come up with! We don’t need a full bio, actually we don’t need very much at all. About one paragraph of descriptive text should be enough. Of course, if you have more, don’t stop! There is no limit to the amount of members in this group, and they can come from all over the world and have any kind of weird abilities! Get those [s]creative[/s] juices flowing! [/quote] I love you, man (no homo :gray ) I'm gonna start making brain babies right away! :brow If anyone has got some cool ideas that they're not really sure how to elaborate on, go ahead and post those as well and we can work together in creating something amazing! :dreamy