[hider= Kei Phan] [h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT] Xuân Công Phan (潘 公 春 , [i]Phan Công Xuân[/i])[/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT][i]Kei, 敬[/i] (Nickname given by mother, often goes by this) [i]Kay Kay[/i] (Nickname from his six year old niece) [/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Male[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]21 [/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]5'9"[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]173[/INDENT] [b]Home District:[/b] [INDENT]Greencrest Heights[/INDENT] [h3][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Black[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Hazel[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]Vietnamese, Japanese, French[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]Kei is quite slight in appearance. Though he appears tall beside his older-sister his height is certainly nothing to boast about. He grew taller than his father was, at least. And he doesn't tend to care much about how other's judge him anyway so it has never particularly bothered him. Kei's appearance makes it difficult to figure out what his exact ethnicity is. This is due to being something of a mix. While more Vietnamese features tend to be dominant, the other's are quite obvious. A point towards his more European heritage is his light hazel eyes, more green than they are brown. However they're shaping is definitely not European and they're large size makes them a prominent feature of his face. His nose is relatively narrow, but flat, and his lips thin. His hair, jet black like both of his parent's was, is kept in a messy cut. He has a medium-light skin colour with distinct golden tones. It is quite a bit lighter than his sister's. One thing that is obvious about Kei is that he doesn't do very much exercise. He isn't overweight but he's also not skinny or fit. He has a decent amount of roundness to him due to sheer laziness. Though he does do a few sports, mostly water based, his love for food outweighs this so his body is far from toned. Still, he doesn't care. [/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]Kei's fashion sense is far from stylish and contrasts those around him in most cases, especially his sister's generally nice clothing. He gives no thought to what he wears so often ends up in clashing colours and with odd pieces of clothing. His preference is sweatpants or tracksuit bottoms because they're comfortable and some kind of t-shirt. A lot of the time he doesn't even get out of pyjamas, however, and has been known to accidentally leave the house still in these. [/INDENT] [h3][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]Kei is, in general, very apathetic. This used to much for of a background trait of his personality. However after the deaths of both of his parents he withdrew into himself and began to feel less and less interest in the outside world. The sudden development of his power didn't help. There are very few things that he really enjoys out with of sleeping, most being water related. However he can't even really do these anymore due to his power. Out with of his overwhelming apathy Kei is an odd character. He isn't particularly a people's person, unlike his sister, but that isn't to say he dislikes people.He just couldn't care less. He'll talk to people if they talk to them but will rarely make an effort. He's generally quite unmotivated and somewhat withdrawn into himself. His general lack of caring causes concern for those around him - especially his sister who has tried to work on it with him. However, sometimes Kei does enjoy himself. There have been rare occasions where he has found someone he struck off on the right chord with. In these circumstances a new, often hidden, personality blooms. Kei enjoys teasing people he's close to and generally poking fun at them. He becomes slightly more vibrant and involved. The only person at the moment who can really brighten him up is his niece, and occasionally his sister. Kei is quite a tolerant person and easy to be around even if he rarely makes the effort to get to know people. His general lack of interest in the outside world is likely connected to deeper issues, and it's something his sister is trying to figure out. He himself doesn't particularly care. He's fine with things as they are - a constant cycle of sleep, eating and gaming.[/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT][i]Sleeping[/i]: One of Kei's favourite pastimes is sleeping. He's actually pretty good at falling asleep in random places much to the annoyance of people such as his sister. [i]Food[/i]: When he's not sleeping Kei likes making and eating different types of food. He finds weird recipes interesting to try and tends to end up doing a lot of cooking around the house. [i]Gaming[/i]: Kei enjoys gaming, both on computers and consoles, as it is something he can do without leaving the comfort of his bed. He's pretty good at it too. [i]Water Sports[/i]: Kei finds most thing related to water fun, especially swimming and diving. When he's not being a lazy shit he'll often go to the nearest swimming pool and just spend as much of his time there as possible. He is also pretty good at diving. [i]Marine Biology[/i]: Related to his enjoyment of most things water related Kei things underwater creatures very interesting. He is currently taking an online college course on Marine Biology... though he's not doing particularly well at it. [/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT][i]Cooking[/i]: Kei is good at cooking of all kinds, whether it's main meals or cakes. He enjoys cooking and then eating the food and it's one of the few things he is motivated to do. A lot of his skill came from relatively hard work. [i]Languages:[/i] Languages come quite easily to Kei. This is probably due to his mixed European-Asian heritage. He speaks English, Vietnamese, Japanese and French fluently. He is currently half learning Chinese and Spanish. [i]Computers:[/i] Kei learned programming on a whim, and found that he was quite good at it, so he spends a decent amount of time doing it. He's gotten to a pretty good stage with it and knows how to program in Java, Python and HTML (also a bit of PHP and SQL). He also has a decent knowledge of computer hardware. [i]Swimming/Diving[/i]: Kei is good at swimming and diving. When he was younger, and living in Verthaven, he was on his school's swim and dive team. He's got a fair few trophies and gold medals from it. He doesn't really swim anymore - he feels like he can't due to his power.[/INDENT] [b]Goals/Motivation[/b] [INDENT][i]Control[/i]: Kei wants to gain control of his power. His main reason for this is so that he can swim again. He can hardly swim when freezing all of the water around him. However it's difficult for him to get the motivation to actually control it. [/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT]Xuân Phan was born in Verthaven into a small, but happy, family. Brought up with a Vietnamese father and a Japanese/French mother he was taught a mix of cultures. From a young age he was given the nickname Kei from his mother, with the meaning of blessing. To her he was a blessing - she had been told as a young woman she was infertile and managing to have a son was something spectacular. The name stuck and now Kei is rarely called Xuân. Kei's childhood was mostly uneventful. As he grew up his main interests were always water related. He loved being in the water, especially swimming and diving. He was part of swim and diving teams from elementary school and up. He was good at it, too, winning many medals and trophies. It was always the pride of his parents even if both would have rather he had as much enthusiasm for his schoolwork. It was on a visit to his older sister Lihn, who Kei mostly got on with, when he was fourteen that things went downhill. His parents were among the many who died in the Verthaven disaster. Sometimes he questioned whether he should too. Kei withdrew more into himself. He had never been shy but the lack of interest in the world he had already displayed only doubled. His sister's emotional state wasn't perfect either and the two got into a lot of arguments at this time. What made things even worse was the sudden development of his power. Kei had assumed that he had taken after his mother and wasn't a metahuman. But suddenly things started to get cold around him and when he try to go for a swim the water froze around him. This meant he couldn't really do one of the things he loved. He had no idea how to control his power so he just gave up doing anything related to water. Kei was fifteen when his older half-sister had a baby girl. The two of them reconciled with a young child to now look after in the house. Kei went back to attending school and just about scraped through. Thanh was the one thing that seemed to make life a bit brighter. She was such a happy child. It's been seven years since Kei developed his power and he still has minimal control over it. He's been trying, but nothing has been working.[/INDENT] [h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Dihn Phan - Father (Deceased, Animal Empathy) Sayuri Phan - Mother (Deceased) Lihn Phan - Sister (Empathy) Thanh Phan - Niece (Animal Telepathy)[/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent][h3]| [b]Lihn Phan[/b] |[/h3] | [b]Mostly Good[/b] | [b]Older half-sister [/b] | [i]"Lihn is fine, I just wish she would stop pushing me into things and trying to 'help' me with how I feel."[/i] | [indent]Kei likes his sister, though they weren't the closest when younger. They were brought together by the death of their father and his mother. In addition Kei absolutely adores Thanh and is quite helpful in terms of babysitting for his older sister. However Lihn is always trying to make sure he is okay and has been trying to coddle him since he started living with her, especially in relation to his power. He doesn't like it and wishes she'd treat him as an equal. [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b][u]Abilities[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Elemental (Energy)[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] Cryokinesis [INDENT][i]Freezing Water / Temperature Change[/i]: Kei can focus on and freeze water that is nearby to him. This is essentially reducing the temperature in a very localised area to cause the water to freeze and turn into ice. He also can reduce the temperature in an area around him. This is something he often does without realising it. However he can do it by choice and reduce the temperature to something below freezing. [i]Controlling Ice[/i]: Kei can control ice, with ice being frozen water. He can sometimes also control snow or similar. Kei isn't sure of the exact limits of his power as he hasn't tried out controlling too much. It is easier to control smaller pieces of ice. He could control a large amount of this if he honed his ability. He can also control and move bigger chunks of ice. [i]Cold Resistance[/i]: Thankfully for Kei he is more resistant to the effects of the cold than others. He is unlikely to die of hypothermia and doesn't feel cold wearing t-shirts in low temperatures. [i]Ice Creating[/i]: Kei can also create ice without already having water to freeze. Currently he can only create a small amount, perhaps five ice cubes, but if he worked on it he could produce a much larger amount. This would probably lead to the development of more techniques with the ice.[/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]At the moment Kei is incredibly limited in what he can do with his powers. He can only control ice nearby to him, same with changing the temperature. He can only create a very small amount of ice, freeze a moderate section of water and control about the same amount as he can freeze. He doesn't know exactly what his limits are just that his power isn't very useful. Along with this he has a general lack of control and will often just accidentally make things quite cold. He doesn't mean to do this at all, it just happens. He has to concentrate to then stop practically oozing out cold and he has to concentrate a lot to do anything on purpose. [/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]Fire is a big no go for Kei. Fire will render his power useless. And not to mention fire has bad effects on him. It is not that he will burn more than an ordinary human. However being around fire makes him feel like he is melting. He starts to sweat profusely and feels about as much pain as something who is melting does. Of course he doesn't literally melt. But it's a horrible, debilitating feeling. Heat in general isn't good for Kei. He heats up a lot more easily than everyone else, due to being more resistant to colder temperatures. He will more quickly suffer from heat exhaustion and heatstroke in what would be normal temperatures for other people. Though not really a weakness Kei also tends to suffer from heat rashes from slightly above average temperatures which is incredibly distracting. Using his power currently takes a lot out of Kei since he has very little control. He gets very dehydrated from doing it, and needs to keep drinking water as he does or he will suffer the effects you'd expect from dehydration.[/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT][list][*][/list][/INDENT] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VmNTl6JvDY[/youtube] [/hider]