The king watched the boy as he moved closer, his gaze analyzing the younger man’s structure and stance, his old ears perking up to better assess the courage and confidence of the elf. He nodded as he thought through his response and never let his eyes move away from the boy just before him. “What is your name, son?” Lillith watched the song and dance before her and knew without a doubt that the young man would do as he had pledged and protect her with all that he was. Everyone deserved a chance to serve their king and their kingdom and sadly enough it appeared as though this man had yet to receive his opportunity. She knew her father wanted to bellow from his seat that no one would take his child from the castle again, that all opportunity was shattered when his finest were dropped without a moment’s notice. Danger fed on opportunity and to defeat it one didn’t need to be stronger or braver, but more cunning. She felt he could provide this and she was sold to his cry for a chance. “Father, I would have him take me to search for the plant.” She looked to her father and nodded as he understood clearly that no one else was coming and she would not take defeat sitting down. The girl was cunning and brilliant and he would lose her if he were not careful. He looked back at the boy before him, standing slowly and with concentrated effort. He cleared his throat and nodded at the man. “I will honor your request, but understand that if harm befalls the princess that you shall not only suffer the consequence of death, but everyone you know and love with suffer alongside them. “Father…” the princess stood and touched the Kings arm, but he jerked it away and glared at her. “My word stands, child. Do not question me in this.” He looked back to the boy. “Honor and glory to befall you on your journey and the destiny of the one you protect to mirror your own. Do you accept?”