[center][img]http://mypst.com.br/media/game/NPWR00802_00/full-trophy_0.png[/img][/center] Manny flashed an innocent grin as Ditch glared at him. Even though he barely knew her, he already figured out how to push her buttons. Raven’s offer of sleep meds was kind of amusing, too. Knowing that she was a rider, Manny figured it probably had to do with horses since she said it could level Tank. An image of their ‘fearless leader’ high on horse pills made its way into his head and he chuckled inwardly. [color=a0410d][i]She may not like me keeping this from her, but if she actually does get some rest, she’ll thank me later.[/i][/color] When the scuffle broke out between TB and Wraith, Manny frowned a bit in frustration. The last thing they needed right now was even more dissension within the group, even if TB made a good point about Wraith’s disregard for the kid’s well-being. Manny figured it was just another case of her being young and self-centered, though even for her it seemed a bit severe. She’d remain on his ‘watch’ list. Thankfully, the argument was cut off by both Reaper and Ditch, and Wraith actually apologized for her actions. [color=a0410d][i]That’s...kind of promising, actually.[/i][/color] Ditch started speaking once again, dismissing Reaper’s (and Manny’s) concerns about the hideout being compromised, and also informing them that things were expected to get worse. This particular comment didn’t necessarily come as a surprise considering who they were dealing with, but it was still quite unnerving to hear it spoken out loud. When everyone started offering up their homes to keep the boy safe, Manny decided not to volunteer. His home was hidden and he wanted to keep it that way. He wasn’t just going to leave the kid hanging, though. [color=a0410d]“I’m kind of on the side of Raven and Tank. I can’t provide an actual place, but I’m more than willing to pitch in and help wherever it’s needed. I’ve even got another medical contact in case Reaper’s guy gets, uh...busy. I mean, the kid’s injuries don’t look more than skin-deep, but you never know. His value as far as inside information goes is massive, as Ditch pointed out, so we gotta take care of the little guy. Heh, everything happens for a reason, right? We should take this as sort of a good sign.”[/color] Manny looked down at the boy, watching his chest rise and fall slowly with each breath he took in his deep sleep. He had a soft spot for children and hated to see the little dude in such bad shape. Manny gave him a small grin, even though he clearly wouldn’t see it. [color=a0410d]“As freaked out as we all are about the mind control, this kid might even know something about how it works. It’s a good idea for him to stay with Ditch for a bit, since he responds to her the best. Even the smallest bit of info will help for now.”[/color] Manny put his hand back in his pocket, debating whether he should actually keep the bracelet from Ditch or not. Seeing how frazzled and weathered she was -- and also the writing all over her arm -- he decided to stand by his earlier statement. He sincerely hoped she would take his advice and rest up. [color=a0410d]“And Tank makes a good point. We all need to be at the top of our game from here on out. As if it wasn’t already blatantly apparent, seeing how Umbra treated this kid shows how freakin’ ruthless he can be. Leaving ourselves vulnerable is the last thing we wanna do...[i]especially[/i] since we’ve teamed up.”[/color] Manny kicked up his feet and leaned back into a hover as if he were relaxing in an invisible midair lounging chair and put his hands behind his head. [color=a0410d]“But, anyway...no need for me to keep being redundant…”[/color]