[hider=Ellen Nile] [h3][u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Ellen Nile[/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT][/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]16[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]5ft 5[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]100 lbs[/INDENT] [b]Home District:[/b] [INDENT]Roseview – Academy 61[/INDENT] [h3][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Black[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Hazel[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]Half Native American/Half Caucasian[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]Ellen is a slightly gangly and awkward looking teenager, with the long and clumsy limbs that result from a recent growth spurt that she hasn't quite filled out yet. She has the kind of form that could have made her an excellent long distance runner, if her ability hadn't made such a thing so difficult as to be impossible. She has small breasts, disappointingly so in fact, and in her mind it is not made up for by her not unappealing backside, that is again small, but at least nicely rounded and filled out. Though she gets her figure from her mother, the rest of her appearance is clearly inherited from her father. Despite how little she knows about him this is obvious thanks to the fact that he was Native America, Cherokee to be exact. The first thing that people notice are the tell-tale almond shaped eyes, hidden beneath heavily lidded eyes, they are hazel, and despite the fact that she perpetually looks half asleep, the eyes beneath the lids are bright and aware. Her cheek bones are high, defined, and a classic feature that sets off the rest of her face. If her nose could be called one thing, other than an embarrassment, it is proud, protruding forth like an eagle, and a constant source of self-esteem issues. The whole thing is further spoiled by slight buck teeth, though the lips around them usually suffice to draw attention away.[/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]Ellen wishes she was like every other teenage girl, so she dresses like them, t-shirts, jeans, shorts when she thinks she can get away with it. Her feet can usually be found clad in a pair of battered converse or Superstar sneakers and she's usually carrying a fairly new Adidas rucksack.[/INDENT] [h3][b][u]Personality[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]Ellen hates her ability, when it first developed she was a freak, ostracised from her school and forced to leave those who had been her friends, and even those who remained so in order to join an Academy. She tries to keep a positive outlook on life, hard though it may be, she’s had to, with the frequent spanners her ability throws into her life, from abilities that give her crippling migraines, to ones that leave her without hands or even any real way of communicating. Positivity aside, Ellen can be prone to dramatic mood swings, even more so than most teenage girls, one moment she could be her normal sarcastic self, the next she could be grim and brooding. Her Academy Counsellor thinks that perhaps her ability could be affecting her hormones more dramatically than puberty normally would. She is good at distracting herself, most people aren’t capable of staying awake and alert for all hours of the day and night, so she is just as happy in her own company as in that of others, though she will frequently play Xbox to the early hours of the morning, or finish a book less than a day after she bought it. She’s not the best listener, or friend to be honest, but it’s not from any real mean spiritedness, just an occasional habit to drift of daydreaming or get distracted easily when really she should be paying attention to someone else’s problems. When she isn’t caught up in a bout of melancholy she’s generally of the opinion that worries are for other people, and just tries to enjoy what little she feels she still can outside of her ability, on the occasion that she gets a power she really feels she can show off, she will do so at every opportunity, too often has she been stuck with slimy skin or uncontrollable telepathy. Her ability has taught her to live in the present, and enjoy what she has as much as she can.[/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT]Gaming Reading[/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]Fast learner – Perhaps it is simply survival, or perhaps it is some strange quirk of her ability, but when you develop a different ability every week you learn to pick them up quickly, for fear of setting fire to your bedroom, as such Ellen can usually develop at least a beginners level of control in the first day, and moderate levels before she sleeps again. [/INDENT] [b]Goals/Motivation[/b] [INDENT]Ellen hates her ability, it is constantly robbing her of the normal life she once had, or still could have, every time she thinks she has a handle on the power it throws a curveball and she ends up as a creature with acid for skin. Right now she is caught up in the drama of High School life, and just wants to get the hell through the Academy.[/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT]Ellen never knew her father, there is no great tragedy here, simply the eternal story of single mothers the world over. Neither her or her mother know where he is, what he does for a living, or anything more. She was the product of a brief, whirlwind romance, and her mother did not realise her pregnancy until long after the father had left her, but she never made an effort to get back in touch with him. Occasionally, when she has had a little too much wine, she will talk fondly of him, but she’s never really explained why she never sought to involve him in his daughter’s life. She had a relatively average life for the first thirteen years, kindergarten, school, BFFs, her first crush, she was even doing well as an athlete, a potential rising star in the school’s track squad. And her life changed entirely when she developed abilities. She is hardly the only child who has had her entire existence spun on its head when she developed abilities, but Ellen has her life change every week, every time she developed new abilities she felt like it was happening all over again. By the time she realised that she wanted her ability suppressed it was too late, her brain had been permanently modified, and any attempt to suppress her ability led to far worse medical repercussions. She was rapidly enrolled in an Academy, unfortunately it didn’t make things better. Kids are cruel, and kids with power aren’t much better. There are bullies in all walks of life, and with her unstable ability, Ellen was an easy target. After a few months she began to develop a knack for picking up her abilities quickly, and while she would never be as skilled as the other students, sometimes fortune would favour her with either an ability that was simply superior, or one that allowed her to get creative. She is now enrolled full time in the academy, no civilian household could possibly deal with the realities of her ability, she still visits her mother when she can, but spends most of her time at the Academy. [/INDENT] [h3][u][b]Relationships[/b][/u][/h3] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT] Mother - Olivia Nile Father – Unknown[/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] (Relations with other characters - You don't have to put relation with family here.) [indent][h3]| [b]Cindy Keagan[/b] |[/h3] | [b]Bad[/b] | [b]The DOVE assigned to her case[/b] | [i]"Quote Here."[/i] | [indent] Ellen appreciates that Cindy just wants the best for her, but really, she’d rather that she didn’t have to see DOVE quite so often. It’s just another demonstration of how her power is ruining her life. Most kids see DOVE once a year, at most, Ellen gets to see her every month, and every time she insists that Ellen should see someone for psychological help, which doesn’t raise Ellen’s estimations of her at all. [/indent] [/indent] [indent][h3]| [b]Lihua Zhao[/b] |[/h3] | [b]Neutral[/b] | [b]Just another Instructor[/b] | [i]"Quote Here."[/i] | [indent] Lihua is an Instructor at the Academy, and while there are some who fly by under the radar, Lihua is not one of them. She’s got a reputation among the kids there as the one Instructor you do not cross. Ellen has never actually met her, although she’s seen her from a distance, and really doesn’t see what all the fuss is about, not that she’s ever acted out when she is about. [/indent] [/indent] [indent][h3]| [b]Wendy Lucker[/b] |[/h3] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Friendly Acquaintance[/b] | [i]"Quote Here."[/i] | [indent] They aren't friends, but their relationship could be stretched to friendly acquaintances. They often find themselves sharing the library, Ellen might not quite have the same obsessive love of books, but she enjoys reading more than most. They talk a lot, when they’re both alone in the library or pass each other in the corridors, about books mostly, and the conversations have never really run deep enough for them to be considered friends. [/indent] [/indent] [h3][b][u]Abilities[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Power[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT]Ellen has an extremely unusual and unstable metahuman ability, one that is constantly changing. Ellen does not need to sleep as frequently as normal humans, in fact, only sleeping once a week, for between twelve and twenty-four hours. To call this sleep would perhaps be inaccurate, in fact it is closer to hibernation, or even metamorphosis. It is nigh on impossible to wake Ellen during this period of sleep, to do so can have unpredictable effects. At the end of this period of hibernation, Ellen will awake with a different ability to the one she fell asleep with. She has no control over what ability she gets, and she has never developed the same ability more than once, though she can develop powers with similar qualities. These abilities could even include physical changes, though such a development will lead to a longer period of hibernation. Clearly this ability leads to a creative and quick-learning mind, and some quirk of her power means that she usually picks up the basics fairly quickly.[/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]Though her potential repertoire of abilities seems to have virtually no limit, there is one quite specific one. Though she can develop abilities from Super-System, Cerebral, Elemental or even Other, she can never, and will never develop an ability with its roots in the power classification. This means she can never develop an ability that will boost or block abilities, that will replicate them, or manipulate them in any way. The duration of her hibernation will also be directly linked to the ability that she develops. Any that leads to a change in her physical form will take longer, up to twenty four hours, and she will usually be ravenously hungry for some time afterwards.[/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]Ellen will have one set of abilities, or one ability, for a week, she may very well pick up how to use them quickly, but her talents will never match those of someone truly skilled with the ability they have, she is a quick study, but never a master. Also, while asleep Ellen is totally defenceless, she has no way of defending herself, and no way of surviving attack unless her metamorphosis has developed something that could protect her, such as armoured scales. Each ability will of course have its own weaknesses factored in. Her power has also effected permanent changes in her brain chemistry, though her metahuman energy apparently sustains her throughout the week, without that energy she cannot sustain such a regime. And yet her brain won’t let her sleep. If Ellen were to wear a power suppressant collar she would still be unable to sleep more than once a week, but she would suffer the same levels of fatigue and exhaustion than any human would if they didn’t sleep for a week, leading to potentially serious health issues. Finally, when she needs to sleep, she absolutely needs to, she can gain a little respite from copious quantities of caffeine, but can, and has, fallen asleep in awkward situations, only to remain asleep for the next day until her metamorphosis has concluded.[/INDENT] [hider=Current Abilities] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT] [/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT][/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT][/INDENT] [/hider] [hider=Past Abilities] Abilities possessed during the RP: [b]Power:[/b] [indent] Tarsier Physiology – Ellen’s eyes are enormous, totally out of proportion to the rest of her body, and in fact the structure of her cranium has adjusted in order to compensate for the increased weight. Nearly the size of a grape fruit they grant her superb eyesight and far superior night vision to that of a human. Unfortunately she cannot move them in their sockets at all (that took some getting used to) her neck however, is far more flexible than normal, and not unlike an owl she can rotate her head up to 180 degrees. Her fingers have also elongated, with slightly excessively proportioned knuckles, though they possess far more strength than their almost skeletal appearance would suggest. This change has also extended to her legs and feet, which are now dramatically elongated, enabling her to climb vertically and make leaps of up to twenty feet.[/indent] Limits: [indent] Her eyes are fixed in her head, and that is a strange sensation for anyone accustomed to normal human vision, she still occasionally has to remind herself that she needs to turn her entire head in order to focus on things, which is distracting to say the least. Her jump is far in excess of that of a normal human, but is nonetheless limited to twenty feet at maximum.[/indent] Weaknesses/Drawbacks: [indent] While she is now far more skilled at climbing than she was, walking normally is far less comfortable than it would be thanks to the change in shape of her lower limbs. In addition, her eyes are far more sensitive to light, and she is therefore far more likely to be affected adversely by bright lights.[/indent] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT]Light Manipulation – Ellen’s latest ability is considerably different to the last one, and allows her to fiddle with certain things considered inalienable by physics. She now possesses photokinesis, the power to manipulate light. She can perceive light on any spectrum, which led to a number of migraine headaches at the beginning of her current metamorphosis. Now she simply blocks out what she can, though occasionally some slips through, causing confusion or discomfort when she observes things humans are not meant to see. This also allows her to create strange effects in their air, literally bending light, or even preventing it from entering an area entirely. Though her powers are limited by her understanding and complete lack of practice. In a small area about herself, perhaps twenty feet, she can block out all light, creating what appears to be a black orb. This doesn’t stop anything else, bullets can still enter the area, and since the orb is centred on her it is not impossible to hit her. She can also perform the opposite, and magnify light, concentrating it in an area with such blazing brilliance that in can scorch retinas and cause temporary blindness. She can even, with considerable concentration, generate illusions, although not quite. By manipulating the direction light travels she can slightly adjust the apparent locations of people. For the most observant of people there will still remain a slight shimmer at the true location of the person, but they will appear to be stood instead a few feet to the side. [/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]She can only manipulate light within about twenty feet of herself, beyond that she has no power over it, though if she stopped light travelling through that radius, it would not simply continue its travel on the other side.[/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]As already mentioned Ellen can perceive light on every spectrum, but has limited tolerance for it, having only just about got the hang of blocking out everything but the normal visible spectrum, as such, flooding an area with a wide variety of differing spectrums can put her in considerable distress.[/INDENT][/hider] [hider=Potential Abilities] 1. Superhuman Regeneration. 2. Slug physiology. 3. Superhuman Strength. 4. Telepathy. 5. Hydrokinesis. 6. Pyrokinesis. 7. Aerokinesis. 8. Terrakinesis. 9. Energy Projection. 10. Superhuman Speed. 11. Omnilingualism. 12. Spider physiology. 13. Sound manipulation. 14. Dimensional storage. 15. Intangibility. 16. Flight. 17. Telekinesis. 18. Metallokinesis. 19. Astral Projection. 20. Technopathy. 21. Florakinesis. 22. Osteokinesis. 23. Healing (of others) 24. Density manipulation. 25. Energy absorption. 26. Normal human. 27. Portal generation. 28. Cat Physiology. 29. Electrokinesis 30. Empathy. 31. Atomic Transmutation. 32. Self-duplication. 33. To be continued… [/hider] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT][list][*]Thanks to the nature of her ability, Ellen has to be reassessed every week at the Academy, in order for them to monitor her progress with her ability. She also has far more frequent meetings with a DOVE agents than most metahumans, usually once every month or two.[/list][/INDENT] [/hider]