[@Gowi] I usually hate it when people don't reply to our RP anymore thinking of three thoughts: 1. HEY! They're online. ... Shit, is someone on their computer? I should downplay a bit on any profanities. Hopefully they don't think my muse went OOC. 2. ... okay they posted elsewhere. What's wrong with me? Wait, pfft. They're just not inspired to write for our RP right now. Muse is tough. Chill, self. 3. Maybe they forgot. I'll remind them later. (A few hours later.) Eating. Remind them later. (A few hours later.) Sleepy. (Wake up.) Did I forget something? (A few days later.) ... it's been a week. They probably lost interest. Oh well. • • • I can be blunt like a well-used 2B pencil, and they're probably the sensitive type since they seemed affectionate with all the huggles and snuggles in our OOC. Oh well.