The man who would be my attacker was thrown off for just a fraction of a second by Dick's distraction. It was more than enough time to grab the back of the man's neck with my left hand and drive the flat of my palm up into his solar plexus. I'm not strong enough to do any lasting damage to that part of the body, but I can do more than enough temporary damage. The blow drove the wind from his lungs in a choking sob. He gasped for air while I backhanded with my right hand to knock him to the ground. The blow to the abdomen mixed with the blow to the face is more than enough to keep him down. Dick meanwhile squared off with the last mobster, landing the last few knockout hits. I activated the mobile channel in my cowl and dialed 911. [i]"911, what's your emergency..."[/i] "I'm on the 2000 block of Springer Street, there was a car crash and bunch of men fighting." [i]"We're dispatching emergency services to your location, please stay on the line, sir."[/i] I hung up and looked over at Dick, who floored his opponent with a stick blow to the face. "Time to disappear."