[b]Aramir[/b] Flowers were nice. Real flowers at any rate, not the ice manipulated ones Cyromancers in other tribes were so fond of making. Even if they had their own icy beauty. But real flowers..they were much better than the ice ones. She hadn't seen many on her trip from the Frozen Plains, but she enjoyed them when she did. "I like flowers. They're some of the more colorful results of this land, wonderful compared the unending whiteness of the Plains. While there are things I miss about my homeland, the flowers are one of the reasons I enjoy it here more." [i]And, the fact that my homeland is the sight of death and murder and betrayal.[/i] "They're very pretty, and smell nice. Except when there's a bee in them, that is." That had happened once. Aramir had stopped to smell a flower, and there had been a bee in said flower. Naturally, the bee wasn't happy that there was a blue nose being shoved in it's personal space. For the next few weeks, the Snow Elf had had a large red nose. It was a highly uncomfortable experience, and one she didn't wish to repeat any time soon. Out of the corner of her eye, Aramir saw movement heading towards her. Turning, she saw a Forest Elf with bright red hair making her way towards Lyris and Aramir. As Auriel drew closer, Aramir became increasingly aware of just where her height placed her in regards to the other Pyromancer. If she looked straight forward, she would be looking directly between Auriel's legs. As such, as the Forest Elf grew ever closer, Aramir grew ever redder. By the time Auriel was standing next to the Alanian and the Snow Elf, the latter was more red than blue. Thankfully though, before she had to make any awkward explanations, there was a loud screech and the head master was speaking. The announcement of how Hyrdromancy and Necromancy was going to be displayed by Uicle surprised her. As far as her limited knowledge knew, that was unusual. Highly unusual. As Serge rose and began to speak, she listened, in minor wonder. Before jumping about ten feet in the air as the lightning bolt boomed on the roof. And then things began to float. It started with small things, her daggers, forks, knives. Her own daggers were pulled out of their sheaths and floated to the sky. Those Aramir didn't care about. They were easily replaced. However, when her bow began to float(the metal designs in it being attracted to the same force as the daggers were) she began resist. "Hey! No! I'm not letting you-whoa!" She had tried to keep the bow down through her weight. However, her weight was very small and soon [i]she[/i] began to float into the air. Decision time. Stay with the bow, and possibly fall to her death, or let go and try to catch it. Aramir let go, her embarrassment at where her eyes could accidentally wander with Auriel forgotten in her anxiety over her bow. When things finally began to fall, her bow was included. She ran towards where it looked to be falling, a short distance away, intent on catching it. So intent that she didn't notice someone else was there until it was too late. For the second time that day, Aramir crashed into someone. When she looked up from her sitting position on the ground(eyes still intent upon the bow), all she noticed was that it was in Naga hands. [i]Althalus[/i] He went the opposite way of Auriel, both because it seemed most likely that Mar was at an exit(he still needed to find her and locate their room, after all) and he had had enough fun for the night. On his way, he passed close by the albino man who had waved at him and the other strange Naga that Mar had gotten into a severe argument with. With a small nod of greeting his continued on his way, looking for the female Naga that was to be his roommate. "Shouldn't have left and gone in the Hall. Now I've lost her." Her muttered under his breath, before pausing. "Then again, things [i]did[/i] work out rather favorably, didn't they?" He grinned to himself, before looking around for Mar once more. However, given the sheer amount of people in the Hall, he failed in locating her by the time Khan had spoken up. Turning around, he listened intently to the Headmaster's announcement. A display of the master magebloods? That should certainly be interesting. He stopped in his search of the Naga to watch the Electromancy teacher go first, and was suitably impressed. It's not everyday you see someone cast a lightning bolt and then freeze it in place above you. His impressed state turned to more than minor concern when he felt the pull. It started on his mask, pulling against his hip. Placing a cautionary hand on it, he noticed that all metal was floating into the air. And then suddenly became acutely aware of his chainmail armor. Which was made of metal. "I think I should be-" He began, making his way towards the exit as he felt an increasing pressure on his mask, daggers at his hips, and hidden throwing knives. Then, of course, his armor began to float with him in it. For a moment, as he began steadily rising to the roof, he was scared. Flying unwillingly higher and higher from the unforgiving ground wasn't an appealing prospect. But then, he began to get caught up in the novelty of it. He was flying, technically at least. A series of chuckles went through him as his armor was pulled towards the roof. With his new found vantage point, Althalus spotted Mar in the distance. "Aha! That's where you've been hiding!" And then the pull stopped. "Oh shi-Ahh!" Althalus had just enough presence of mind to curl in a ball before he hit the floor on his side. A loud [i]thump[/i] could be heard throughout the hall, followed by a quiet groaning. "I knew coming her was a bad idea..."