CS or Character Sheet Name (First and a last name at least please): Description (Image or at least a decent description.): Apparel (Character in image doesn't have to be used for appearance if you want to use another.): Demigod Form (This only applies who have formed a Contract with an Ethera with their Egis): Age: Race (You may use cross-breeds if you want. And I'll allow cross-breeds of not listed races if you want to use them. There are certain races that you cannot cross-breed so read thoroughly please.): Gender: Alignment (Chaos Frame): Interests (Optional, what appeals to your character.): Favorite Interest: (Optional, the interest that appeals the most to them): Dislikes (Optional, what your character does not like.): Person of Interest (Optional, what male/female your character is interested in right now.): Bestfriend (Optional, the person who is your character's bestfriend. Again, for more advanced writers.): Rival (Optional, for more advanced writers. This is the person who your character respects, but wants to be the best of.): Most Hated Word (Optional, again for more advanced writers. This is the word your characters hate the most out of all other words): Quote (Optional, for more advance writers who want to get the most out of their character development. Put your character's favorite quote here): Important Value in Life (Iptional, for more advanced writers who want to get the most out of character development. This is the all important word or phrase that your character values over all other words/phrases.): Favorite Food (Optional, what your character's favorite food is): Ambition (Optional, this is what your character's main goal is.) Sin Guilty of Most (Optional, this is the sin your character commits more out of any others.): Title (Optional): Combat Style: Weapon Preference: Weapon Name (Put weapon name or names if more than one. No more than four weapons and dual-wielding counts as two weapons, FYI.): Chaos Rune: Egis Name: Egis Weapon Type: Egis Weapon: Contracted Deity: Deity's Element Alignment: Deity's Chaos Frame: Deity's Affinity Rating: Magic Systems (Optional): Element (This only applies to the following magic systems and elements can be found in the Elemental Magic section. The systems it applies to are: Elemental Magic, Atharva, Glyph Magic, ect. Also, you may not have more than four elemental affinities. That does not mean you cannot use other elements, but keep in mind that affinities are your major elements or the elements that your character is most familiar with. You may add an element not listed, but I suggest you send me a description so I can judge it) (optional): Weakness (Must have at least one weakness if you use a magic system.) Magical Level (Optional, only applies if you chose a magic system. If not omit this.) Special Skills (Optional, the limit is six at the moment and these skills are what makes your character unique and apart from others. They are basically like your support skills is one way to put it.): Techniques: Personality: Biography: