[sub][sub][h3]K I N G S [color=dc143c] G L A I V E[/color] || [color=dc143c]N e r o[/color] S a x o n || [i]P a l a c e o f I v a l i c e[/i] || June 27th, 12:01 AM[/h3][/sub][/sub] [hr] As expected, team synchronization was still impeccable even after six months off the job. The Kingsglaive, under the darkness of the night, descended from the hovering airship above and came down on each patrolling knight at around the same time. The group moved the armored bodies out of the dim moonlight and into shadowed corners of the courtyard before regrouping near the door. Before them, stood the grand Palace of Ivalice. The structure was located in the dead center of the city and was ornate and grandiose as could be. Spires rose to the starry skies in a circle around the main building which was built with a mix of old medieval architecture and something that would be described in an H.P. Lovecraft novel. Advanced technology ran throughout the exterior of the building as well and the Palace stood as the shining achievement of Ivalian construction. Nero stepped towards the small set of stairs before using two fingers to tap the bluetooth headpiece in his ear. His voice echoed within the minds of his fellow team members. "I'm sure you guys remember these too," He began, an invisible smirk formed beneath his mask, "Luckily the coding was never changed. We'll be able to free communicate with each other while we're inside and no one should be able to intercept the frequency or get passed the encryption... Unless they had another one of [i]us[/i] on hand, and what's the chances of anyone else being able to use magic?" Nero softly chuckled and stepped closer to the door. "The plan is simple. If you tap your earpiece twice, the eye panel should pop out and give you the pre-loaded map of this place. The Palace of Ivalice is public record so we'll get a basic idea of how this place is laid out. We'll need to find any evidence of traps or planned conspiracies against Algareth. Should you find anything, use the eye panel to take pictures as we won't be taking anything. We're gonna have to split up though, this place is just too damn big. Dianthe is with me, Gideon is with Blair, and Saga with Mirany. We'll take the library upstairs, you guys can use the map to determine your own searching locations. There's a shit ton of rooms and we gotta check everything. We only have a few hours... Let's do this." Nero turned and faced the door. He brandished a small tool which distorted the palm scanning pad next to the golden door and after a few seconds the red light flashed green. The door clicked and Nero pushed it open carefully, yet quickly, and the team filed in. The back door brought them into the large, circular main lobby of the Palace. The interior was set up with hallways all around leading to different locations and a spiraling set of wide stairs leading to the upper floors. Nero nodded to Dianthe and the duo, hunched over in the darkness, made a beeline for the spiraling stairs. At the same time, Nero tapped his bluetooth twice and a small grin lens folded out in front of his right eye. The map of the Palace was really a blueprint of the final design back when they first finished the construction. The rest of the team would need to figure out where they wanted to and search there, but also avoid the patrols of knights scattered around the area. There was to be no forced used against anyone in the interior though stealth had never been a problem for the Kingsglaive. The problem they were yet to face loomed in a quiet, secret area of the Palace not shown on the blueprint. It would be of a magnitude no one was expecting.