[h3]Stadak[/h3] [b]Coruscant - Jedi Temple[/b] Exiting the Council Chamber[hr] "You are dismissed Stadak." Stifling his objections, Stadak bowed low, turned away and left the Council chamber. [i]So, they intend to allow events to take course, regardless of the deaths it may cause. But how can they be so uncaring? The Mandalorians will butcher and enslave across the stars. Do they have a secret plan? I must meditate on this and seek the wisdom of the living force.[/i] Stepping out of the doors, he was greeted by the sight of two vaguely familiar Knights accosting his Padawan. An Echani whose name Stadak couldn't remember and a human called Something Maadik. He cleared his throat gently to let them know he had emerged. "[color=forestgreen]Brothers, I see you have met my Padawan, Taiko Tachibana. I am sure we have met at some point but I feel I should introduce myself regardless; I am Knight Stadak.[/color]" He fervently hoped they would take the hint and say their names as well. "[color=forestgreen]We have just returned from a excursion to Null, near the Outer Rim. Might I ask if you intend to ask the Council their position on the Madalorian invasion?[/color]" Moving closer, Stadak dropped his voice lower. "[color=forestgreen]For if that is your plan, I can tell you there is little point. They do not wish to discuss the matter at all and chased me from the chamber for bringing it up.[/color]" As he spoke, Stadak planned what he would do next. First he would attempt to speak to Knight Revan, then remove his armour, don robes, meditate on the relevant issues, catalogue his recent discoveries in the library and practise sparring with Taiko.