I'll add an accepted characters part to the first OOC post shortly. Check there if you've been accepted. Or look at this post later, when I edit it in. Then I'll go put up a post about what some massive frakkin' bears find when they wander into 8,6. And then I'll PM whatsername about where, roughly, their character's going to appear in 5,6. Oh, and I should update the map with that new faction in (what was it, 9,10?). Let me know if I missed something. And maybe I'll start throwing in a bit of plot, too (I do, in fact, have a couple of things in mind). --- That's Samus Aran and Barry accepted (assuming Barry has platinum armor, of course). --- That should be everything. Congrats on finding the minecraft hex (maybe not that much of a surprise). Beware, as [url=http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Hostile_mobs#Hostile]hostile mobs[/url] will spawn at night in unlit areas. Specifically [url=http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Skeleton]Skeletons[/url], [url=http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Creeper]Creepers[/url], [url=http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Zombie]Zombies[/url], and [url=http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Spider]Spiders[/url].