[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/nUoTRZQ.png[/img][/center] In short this is a thread meant to divine what those Bleach fans on the Guild would prefer in regards to a Bleach RP. To start it off I'll give several question as well as the basic end goal of this thread, and any that may follow it. [b]Thread Goal:[/b] Gaining an increased understanding of the Guild's Bleach Community. [b]Overall Purpose:[/b] The creation of a Bleach RP that, with few exceptions, will suit the community mentioned above. [hr][center][i][b][h2]Questions and Answers[/h2][/b][/i][/center][hr][center][i]Herein will be questions that need answering, as well as those that have been answered--by either myself or through discussion among others. Later on this will become the RP's FAQ.[/i][/center] [b]Q:[/b] Will the RP include canon characters--playable or otherwise? [b]A:[/b] No it will not, the RP will be decidedly AU with mention of the canon characters being either minimal or non-existent. [b]Q:[/b] Would people like to be able to create unique histories and their own lore (royal families, factions, races) at some point in the RP? [b]A:[/b] ???? [b]Q:[/b] Would people like to have the chance to lead their own Arcs later in the RP? [b]A:[/b] ???? [b]Q:[/b] As Bleach is a verse centered around conflict between factions and inviduals, it stands to reason that an RP based on it will also be as such. The question is, what races do people prefer to be playable? Shinigami, Arrancar, Quincy, Spiritually Aware Humans, etc etc. [b]A:[/b] ???? [b]Q:[/b] Would people prefer the story's villain faction to be playable, or ought they be controlled by the GMs entirely--or is a middle ground best? [b]A:[/b] ???? [b]Q:[/b] Should there be a limit to how many characters a player can make? [b]A:[/b] ???? [b]Q:[/b] ???? [b]A:[/b] ????