[quote=@Severe Triage] Question. Egis? [/quote] An Egis is a special object that has many shapes and forms often bears the appearance of jewel which can materialize into a weapon that can fight powerful demons with. When you transform them they become a trinket you can wear after they first manifested. They are nicknamed "godslaying" weapon, because they aren't like your normal weapons which aren't very useful on demons. The weapon can take various forms until you form a Contract with an Ethera or Spirit which is a divine being. When you form a Contract with an Ethera, the form becomes permanent, but that's also when you unlock the ability to transform into a demigod. That happens when you synchronize your weapon with the Ethera you formed a contract with. The process is called Demivolution or temporarily evolving into a demigod or half mortal/divine being. Egis Weapon is a powerful mech like unit that your Egis can transform into. These are usually only reserved for powerful or large demons. Hope that answers your question. If you have more questions you can be sure to ask them. I'm currently trying to get all the races up. I'm at probably 25% completion with that right now. With the addition of the Elves, Sylvan and Automata races. Next race is Machuna I have to add.