[i]This is a nightmare[/i] The day had gone from a perfectly normal routine to an apocalypse setting faster than Scarlet could blink. People were running around in a frenzy almost as if their heads have been cut off. Looters were smashing and grabbing anything that wasn't bolted down, and the city guards were trying their absolute hardest to protect all of these citizens yet each and every one of them meant nothing compared to the real nightmares that dropped down into the city from the top of the wall like it was nothing. They screeched as they burned and ran into whatever they could without a care for the fire that has engulfed them. Scarlet has seen some of the worst Enn had to offer in some of the darkest corners but this was something far more frightening. The image of the burning, screeching tree demon as it collapsed with its dying breath on a family of three trying to escape their blazing home would be forever etched into his mind. All the chaos around him was so distracting he never even noticed stopping as the women of the group pried off the manhole in the road and his attention was only torn away from his surroundings when the woman who had his hand in her grip let go and began speaking to him. [quote=Diggerton]She released the boy's hand, turning to him. "You can come with us if you want... but... well, I was going to say it'll probably be dangerous, but it looks like we're in the middle of a whole lot of danger. I'll try my best to get you to safety and then..." She looked at they boy. He was obviously homeless, bandaged, bruised, dirty. He didn't have parents to go back to, at least Emma didn't think so. "Well, you can decide what to do." She nodded at him, turning to the manhole cover, descending into the depths of the sewers. [/quote] Scarlet watched with a blank face as she left him there all by himself in the middle of all the chaos. After a second he glared at the hole in the ground and growled as he climbed down and dragged the manhole cover with all his might back over the hole with to the best of his ability. "Don't you fuckin' leave me there in all of that mess! It'll be dangerous my ass!" He shouted as he descended into the sewers, "You dragged me into this mess I ought to see I get my rightful compensation from ya." Now that his mind was cleared of the nightmare above he began to brainstorm as quickly as he could thinking of anything that may just save his hide later down the road. As far as he knew there was no way out of the city through the sewers as he's tried often enough to do it himself. Being able to get in and out of the city without being branded as a Traveler could have its perks is what his young childish mind thought up. As he caught up to the two women he managed to hear a snippet of what they were talking about. "Heh outside may not be any safer but do ya really think a city so sealed away from the outside like it is will have anythin' to stronghold yerself in. Not like havin' walls would help ya any against whatever the hell those were. On the other hand there ain't any way [i]out[/i] in these sewers. Anyways I think it's about time I got that explanation ya owe me, eh?"