[quote=@Natsucooldude] So is this also gonna be left without any direction at all past the first GM post? [/quote] I already mentioned this in the last thread, as it was originally posted in the iCheck. I don't care who's got the problem be it you or [@LHG100], but this makes four times I've posted this... [quote=@The Kid Lantern] I'm also going to be one of those people who insists this is a High Casual RP. I'm not exactly looking for Advanced level length posts, [i][b][u]I just don't want to have to assist everyone with their own individual stories because that isn't what this game is about[/u][/b][/i]. Two or three players could be working on their own thing in the game while I'm mimicking a battle like Hulk vs Thing or Superman vs Batman with another player in the background. If we lack a Superman or Capt. America type character, then the group can have dibs on collectively making them like I mentioned above. ~KL~[/quote] [@Lord Wraith] hit the nail on the head with his response: [quote=@Lord Wraith] When you sign up for an RP that says 'sandbox' you should really know you're getting yourself into a self directed and led game where its up to you to collaborate with other players for interaction. Sandboxes aren't GM led, they just give you a setting to go play in.[/quote] If that's giving somebody too much freedom then this isn't the RP for you. I'm not doing this 'the exact same way and expecting a different result.' I'm CLEARLY pointing out in this iCheck and in the new OOC and IC that at no point do you [i]need[/i] a GM or Co-GM to tell you to do something or react a certain way with your character[s]. There WILL be sandbox heroes and villains to use as fodder created by the group, but in no way are you limited to JUST using those characters. This universe will be exactly what you make of it and nothing more. If half the cast doesn't know how to write an original character in a setting of their choosing that's not my fault. I could write three paragraphs, advanced level even, on Batman eating a cheeseburger at McDonalds. However, I can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit. Also, be mindful of the rules once the IC begins, because apparently nobody reads the GM's posts... [quote=@The Kid Lantern] 5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC.[/quote] ~KL~