[quote=@Narcotic Dollie] [@Dirty Pretty Lies] Hey, hey pretty lady, I've got a couple of questions about where Lila and Julius are getting down and dirty! [hider=This is what the rooms look like, right?] [img]https://icruise-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/download/file/630/align_RCI_VI_Roy_Fam_Suite_DIA.jpg[/img] [/hider] Jules and Lila are making babies in that balcony room with the attached bathroom, right? I just ask because I wasn't planning on interacting with them once Clover got back to the room if they're tucked away in their own little room. ^.^ And so Addy and Clover are sharing the two single beds that are side by side, right? Or are we making one of us sleep on the couch? I'd personally rather just have her right by Addy [s]Cause she's sexy AF and it gives Clover something nice to look at[/s] since they're besties and all. ^.^ [/quote] Hi hun! So the balcony room was taken by the character you substituted, but if you want Addy and Clover together and Lila in the balcony room I'm 100% certain Lila wouldn't mind one bit lol. So yeah, they're there banging the night away. :lol [quote=@Narcotic Dollie] *Cough* Yes, of course, besties. Nothing more. *Cough Cough* [hider=Move along, nothing to see here!] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/Zd0Row54nkC7C/giphy.gif[/img] [/hider] [/quote] "Am I not seductive enough for you, Clover?" *sad eyes* -Lila [hider=Trying to seduce Clover like...] [img]http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/guyspeed.com/files/2014/01/lucy-pinder-gifs-10.gif[/img] [/hider]