[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LmY5MTA5NS5RWFZrY21WNUlFaDFiblJ6WW1WeVp3LCwuMAAA/allura.regular.png[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/739e8659e201685bb846dccf2371d598/tumblr_inline_n498pfT6641rk6sm9.gif[/img] [u][b]Time:[/b][/u] Lunch Period [u][b]Location:[/b][/u] Beverly Hills High School, Dominique's Locker [u][b]Interacting With:[/b][/u] Analise [@Aewin], Dominique [@HushedWhispers] [u][b]Special Mentions:[/b][/u] Jackson [@Wintergrey], Troy-Bear [@Universorum][/center] At Audrey's news of Jax and Ana, Domi had turned her body towards her fully and raised a questioning brow. [color=0072bc]"Sweet Ana?! She didn't! I don't believe that."[/color] Dominique voice shrieked throughout the halls. Before Audrey could reply, they heard footsteps approaching, and none other than 'Sweet Ana' herself approached. Even though she shouldn't be and didn't let it show, Audrey was surprised to see she had dared to arrive clutching Jackson's hand for dear life. She looked scared to death (which, given Audrey's backstory of what she did to Bianca Salazar for just going after a guy she thought was rightfully hers, was understandable), but still managed to put up a fake smile and ask Domi if she was okay while purposely avoiding Audrey's stern gaze. Audrey turned to Domi with a sarcastic, I-told-you-so smirk. [color=ec008c]"And this-"[/color] she began, pointing at Anna's and Jackson's entwined hands. [color=ed145b]"Just proves that I was [i]right[/i]."[/color] There was a moment of silence, and then Dominique suddenly broke down and began to cry while ranting that her parents were divorcing, her best friends were fighting and that she didn't I know what the hell was going on anymore. Though Audrey felt for her best friend, her anger prevented her to feel any type of sympathy for anyone at the moment. Domi finished her break-down by asking Anna if she and Jackson were together, and making a lame joke about someone dying. Anna's confirmation to Domi's question of her and Jackson being a thing only fanned the flames to Audrey's anger. The world was really out for her blood this year, wasn't it? And she'd been thinking that her Senior year would be [i]her[/i] year... How stupid and wrong had she been. Audrey gave a sarcastic, venomous laugh, flipping her hair from her shoulder and in the direction of her back. [color=ec008c]"Oh, something died, all right: my friendship with Analise Arnette,"[/color] she told Domi. [color=ec008c]"I'll catch you later, Dom. I promise I'll make it up to you. Just come by my house when school's done for the day. It's in everyone's best interests for me to [i]not[/i] be here right now."[/color] Audrey let that last menacing sentence hang in the air for a few seconds, looking straight into her ex-best friend's eyes before walking away with her signature swaying of the hips. She kept a tight hold on Troy's hand (it was the only thing keeping her sane at the moment) while she walked without so much as a backward glance in the direction of the former best friend who had betrayed her so. [hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjkwMTQxNy5VMmxsY25KaElFcGhiV1Z6YjI0LC4w/what-is-this-some-kind-of-joke.regular.png[/img] [img]https://media.gq.com/photos/55e8a25789c0d3e261b1c9b0/master/w_800/Bella-Hadid-gif-8.gif[/img] Time: Afternoon (around 3ish PM) [u][b]Location:[/b][/u] Her bedroom at the Jameson-Tomers' household [u][b]Interacting with:[/b][/u] Joo [s]AKA bae[/s] [@SgtEasy] [u][b]Special Mentions:[/b][/u] Alexandros [@Altered Tundra][/center] Sierra had been glaring furiously at the phone in her hand, impatiently waiting for Joo to hear the voice note she'd left him on Whatsapp when a notification in her screen told her she had a new message. Her frustration went up a notch when she read that it was from Alexandros and not from Joo. Oh, well. Might as well read what the asshole had to say. [quote=Alexandros][color=dodgerblue][b]From: Hades[/b] I suppose there isn't anything to say then. It's not like we had anything more than just that one night on the beach. Take care, Sierra Jameson. Say hello to Joo-Bear next time you are able. Ciao, Kitten![/color][/quote] A small rush of anger went through her. Damn right there wasn't anything left to say! What did he think she was: another toy? Another dumb bitch who would just patiently wait around to be used by him whenever he pleased? No, sir. Just as she was about to write up a reply to Alexandros (she was [i]not[/i] going to let him have the last word on this shit), her phone vibrated in her hand, signaling the arrival of a text message from none other than Joo. Sierra immediately pressed her thumb over the notification to see what he had to say. [quote=My Shorty][color=92278f][b]From: My Shorty <3[/b] I hate to tell you this, love, but I won't be able to make it tonight. There's been an emergency back at Korea. Grandfather Len has just passed away, and we're currently packing our things to get on the 7PM flight back to Seoul. The thing about all of this is that I don't know when I'll be back... Or if I'll be back at all. Shit's gone bonkers in terms of his belongings and will, so we'll have to stay there until all of it gets sorted out, whenever that is. I... I'm so fucking sorry, Si. I really am. But there's one thing I want you to be certain of always. I love you, Sierra. Together forever, if only in heart. PS: Check your locker. I left you something there. Miss you already.[/color][/quote] Sierra was stunned. She had to read the message at least three times to let everything sink in, and each time she read it the whole that had just been ripped through her chest grew. Her Joo-Bear was going to Korea, and he didn't know when he would be back. Her only friend in this whole entire world was leaving the country, possibly forever. The man she'd just figured out she loved was leaving her... And the last thing she ever did to him was break his nose. He'd leave without knowing how she truly felt for him. [i]Gone... Gone forever.[/i] Sierra's thumbs flew across the screen again, typing a short text with words she'd never dared to say before as fast as she could before pressing the send button. And for the first time since her father had died nearly ten years ago, Sierra threw herself forward into her bed and began to cry, her whole body shaking with sobs as she pressed her face as hard as it could go into her pillow to not let anyone hear the heart-wrenching cries that escaped from the deepest parts of her brokenhearted chest. [quote=Sierra][color=darkred][b]To: My Shorty[/b] I... I love you too, Joo. I'm so fucking head over heels in love with you. I'm sorry about everything. I love you so, so much... Forever.[/color][/quote] She could only hope he knew just how much.