[@Halvtand]Just tossing a few ideas up, will get more into it later, but what about one guy who's known for collecting the scalps of other ninja he's defeated in battled. Bit crazy, about High-Chunin level, somewhat well-known, and is from Iwa. Focuses on surprise attacks and is mainly a Doton user. A womanizing Kiri-nin who specializes in seduction, infiltration, and stealth, but isn't a slouch in direct confrontation either. Has a Kekkei Genkai that allows him to actually change into other people, making it hard for others to see through his disquise, and has Dual Chakra Nature of Lightning and Water. A drunkard Missing-nin whose skilled in Ninjutsu, preferably powerful Long range ones, but also having a few for short range confrontations as well. Known as the "Lightning Archer" due to her signature jutsu which forms of bow of electricity that can fire a barrage of specially alter bolts, which can explode, stun, split into multiple bolts and home in on a target, etc. Jounin level ninja and has Dual Chakra Natures of Fire and Lightning. Highly intelligent and tactical fighter.