[quote=@Zorogami] This sounds like a fun and quirky RP i can see myself in :D NAME: Xoltor Rubius AGE: 55 GENDER: Male ARCHETYPE: Bruiser APPEARANCE: I'm a Minotaur! [hider=General idea] [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/96/r169_457x256_16733_The_Minotaur_3d_fantasy_character_minotaur_warrior_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] [/hider] HOME PLANET: Elragor FAVORITE BOOK: What are "books"? LEAST FAVORITE LAND BEFORE TIME MOVIE: The Land before Time XIV: Electric Bogaloo Reloaded (Director's Cut) [/quote] I like this. This is good. You win the award for goodest things.