[center][h2]THE MAIN CHARACTER[/h2][/center] [center][hider=LIZZY][color=AC58FA]Name[/color] Elizabeth?! No! Eliza?! LIZZY?! [color=AC58FA]Birthday[/color] 01/15/2013?! [color=AC58FA]Age[/color] 3?! [color=AC58FA]Appearance[/color] [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/8024/f/2013/258/0/9/pippa_by_kalesta-d6me7sm.png[/img] Height: 20 inches! Weight 28 pounds! The Pound?! Bad place! I'm a dog! Woof! [color=AC58FA]Position[/color] Stray Dog?! [color=AC58FA]Secret[/color] I buried my favorite bone and lost it! Wait, what's a secret again?! [color=AC58FA]School[/color] School?! Wazzat?! Sounds fun! And tasty! [color=AC58FA]Occupation[/color] Dumpster Diver! [color=AC58FA]Personality[/color] I like to run, yes! And eat a lot! And chase cars sometimes! Squirrels are fun too but I sure don't know what to do with them! Also, I sometimes see this tail out of nowhere and I feel compelled to chase it! It always hurts me when I get it though! Uh... Did I mention I really like food?! [color=AC58FA]Short Bio[/color] Wow, uh, I don't know! I live everywhere! East side of town has lots of food! West side of town has lots of garbage to play with! People don't really like me, but I see them with food and I can't resist sometimes! I'm pretty quick at running away too! Sometimes men come out of nowhere and try to grab me but I think they're stupid! Too fast for them! Lots of cats around too! They don't like me either. Last winter was cold! Outside is big and fun, but I was inside once, it was so warm! How do other dogs get inside anyway?! I wish there were more dogs outside! Uh... Um... Woof![/hider][/center] [hr] [hr] [center][h2]PRACTICALLY NPCS[/h2][/center] [hider=Elliot Longstreet][color=00FFBF]Name[/color] Elliot Longstreet [color=00FFBF]Birthday[/color] 01/16/1993 [color=00FFBF]Age[/color] 23 [color=00FFBF]Appearance[/color] [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/1503/f/2012/081/3/b/knite_ch4_pg_95_by_knites-d4tl1tl.png[/img] Height 5'9" Weight 125 lb Elliot these days looks downright fragile compared to the fit bookworm he was in his younger days. Not helping his weight is the slight issue of his missing left leg, causing a very noticeable limp when he walks. He also is always wearing long sleeved clothing these days, even during a heat wave. His hair was also slightly messy, and a bit of scruff clung to his face, a slight but notable difference from the well-kept well-off appearance he used to have. [color=00FFBF]Position[/color] Old friend of the Reese family, Apartment 1B [color=00FFBF]Secret[/color] He's secretly a Kraken. [color=00FFBF]School[/color] Not currently enrolled in any school. [color=00FFBF]Occupation[/color] Applying for work, currently. [color=00FFBF]Personality[/color] Elliot definitely leaned more towards the 'introverted' side of the personality scale. Reserved around new people, but not unpleasant to be around, he never really 'let loose' unless he was around people he knew. While old acquaintances know he used to subscribe to a 'healthy body, healthy mind' philosophy, he seems to have become lazy since then, dropping his exercise in favor of relaxing quietly. He's embarrassed rather easily by attention, and would prefer to avoid drawing it to himself as much as possible, a large part of the reason he's been away for so long. [color=00FFBF]Short Bio[/color] Elliot had grown up in Millington alongside the Reese family, right next door to them in fact. He was always known to be a good student, and always tried to compete with his friends next door, although he seriously doubted these days whether they even noticed. It was, for the most part, a peaceful childhood. His parents had always been well off, financially, and being an only child it could easily be deduced he was spoiled growing up. Sophia and him had always had an odd dynamic, being the closest of the family to his age they spent the most time together. She was far more outgoing, he was very much reserved, being the deadpan straight man to her energetic enthusiasm. He was sure it was often amusing to outsiders, but sometimes he was just trying to get her to shut up. The two had a similar interest in the arts, although while she wanted to be in the spotlight, he had always preferred to remain behind the scenes, a dabbling playwright and composer. He graduated a year ahead of her, and while they had similar plans for college... he vanished. Literally overnight. His parents would never talk about Elliot with the Reese children, only commenting that he went off to college. It was no doubt meant to be secret. The late Reese parents no doubt knew the true story, having been friends with their neighbors as long as their children had, but they would never give a straight answer on the matter either. And so time passed. He never attended the college him and Sophia had planned to, and he never contacted the family again, until word reached him about the death of his friends' parents. Torn between keeping his current state a secret, and returning to his home to help, the latter feelings finally won out. There was an apartment to rent relatively nearby, and starting at the beginning of the month he finally moved in with his meager belongings. His old family home having been sold a couple years ago. He was home again, resigned to revealing his old secret- a now missing left leg and a cane in his hand, with new ones still to keep.[/hider] [hider=Catherine Labelle][color=ffff1a]Name[/color] Catherine Labelle [color=ffff1a]Birthday[/color] 04/01/1990 [color=ffff1a]Age[/color] 25 [color=ffff1a]Appearance[/color] [img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/2986/f/2012/119/8/1/french_braid_crowned_prissie_by_anikakinka-d4xywme.jpg[/img] Height: 5'11" Weight: 145 lb Known for her soft eyes warm smile, her students know all too well how that gaze can sharped and grin turn wicked. Still, she's known as someone who would look downright elegant if she ever bothered to put on that appearance. Instead she carries the air of someone wholly unprofessional, unrestrained and unashamed. [color=ffff1a]Position[/color] Unattached to Millington aside from her students. [color=ffff1a]Secret[/color] Oh, right, about that... [color=ffff1a]School[/color] Masters of Education in History, contemplating going back for another degree in the future. [color=ffff1a]Occupation[/color] Grade 9 Social Studies teacher. [color=ffff1a]Personality[/color] Catherine isn't exactly an easy person to gain the trust of, but that doesn't stop her from being a genuinely friendly and social person. She wears her passions like a dress, and a little thing like humility won't stop her from breaking out into dance in the middle of the street, and heaven forbid you get her started on a lecture in history. She is both loved and feared by her students, lessons are fun and games compared to long lectures full of notes and speeches. It's quick reminder though that she's well read in torture methods across the ages if her students act up too much. [color=ffff1a]Short Bio[/color] Born nearby in an even smaller town than Millington, Catherine has had a mostly uneventful life. She was always a voracious learner, excelled in school, married her childhood sweetheart, took out loans, and went to college at Millington University, deadset on becoming a teacher. Much like the rest of her life, the decision was a smooth and easy one for her. She had always loved the idea of being able to spread her knowledge around, and the nearby Millington University was both cheap, and well known for producing educators in Oregon. However, it was at this point that her smooth and easy life began to break apart. She needed to work in order to stay in school, and the stress of that in turn ate at her grades. The relationship with her husband crumbled rapidly after a couple years, and she very nearly dropped out of school altogether. Stress evolved into depression, and long scars up her arms indicate a very real brush with death. Before she could make another attempt on her life something... changed. Slowly her grades recovered, and the woman seemed to find her smile once more. By the time she finally earned her degree, it seemed all traces of that period were gone for her, save for a few scars and a much more guarded view on trust. Two years ago she started working at Millington High School, where she had also spent her time as a student teacher. Her... eccentricity when it came to the job had certainly ruffled a few feathers since her arrival, but overall it looked like she was there to stay. When she graduated from University she bought a house... right next to the Reese family. A decision that has filled her with mild regret ever since, as such she tend to spend her free time wandering around town rather than at home. It seemed she was always broke, so she did much more window shopping than anything else, chatting up the locals to pass the time. As such, she's become quite a well known face around town.[/hider]