A stage decorated with a conveyor belt contraption stood toward the front of the townspeople of Death Valley. As usual, the richest were in the front and the poorest in the back. Everyone was dressed as if they were attending the Grammies. A man in a mask dressed in a black tuxedo and red dress shirt entered the stage. He held a microphone in his hand and he said in a masculine tone "[b]Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Tenth Anniversary of the Decision Ceremony.[/b]" Claps rose from the audience and the man, assumingly the mayor, bowed slightly. "[b] Thank you, thank you. Now, today is the day that five lucky gentlemen are decided to have which beautiful human. We have done this for the past ten years and today we have a special treat! The five mortals are themed! Yes, we will see five elemental dress themes this evening![/b]" Cheers from the crowded auditorium rang through the five human girls' ears as they are tied by the ankles and their arms are tied to a chair. The mayor continued "[b]Now the lucky gentlemen are...[/b]" He pulled out an envelope. "[b]Jasper Crimson, Javak, Tresh, Tarlach, and Michelangelo Hart. Please come to the stage to meet your mortal![/b]" Gasps, giggles, and claps ran through the auditorium. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Faeya sat in the chair with the tape over her mouth. She wiggled and mumbled to escape. [i]I need to get out of here[i], she thought as she looked around. [i]How dare they trick me in such a way! This is inhumane![/i] She watched as a man with claws walked toward the lights and her eyes widened. [i]Where am I? Am I going to die? Oh gosh! I can't die! Atleast not now![/i]