Lucas shut the fridge door and unwrapped a piece of tin foil to reveal a piece of pizza left over from a few nights ago. He quickly grabbed a plate and put it in the microwave, setting the timer for a minute and thirty seconds. He then walked over to the pantry and searched around for either a room-temperature or some forgotten bag of gummy worms. Alicia was right; he didn’t see any gummy worms lying around—as Lucas surely would have eaten them already—but he did see a small carton containing about ten cans of Coke. He plucked one out, walked back over to her, and placed the the can on the table in front of her. “All we got is Coke, sorry,” he told her. “It’s probably warm—wait I’ll grab you some ice.” He turned and rummaged through the cupboards for a clear, glass cup and filled it halfway with ice from the dispenser on the fridge. “There you go,” he said, placing the glass next to the can. “Bon appetit.” Just then, the microwave went off, signaling that his pizza was now reheated. “Yeah to the parents working part,” he said to answer her previous question, opening the microwave door. He reached inside but quickly pulled his hand out, muttering a swear under his breath and shaking his hand out. He walked over to the sink to grab some napkins that would serve as makeshift oven mitts. “My mom’s a nurse at the hospital, and my dad’s an accountant for a firm in New York.” He carried his plate with his hands now shielded from the heat back to the table and sat down a cross from Alice. “As for siblings, I have none,” he answered, looking down at his pizza and deciding he better not touch it now. “I know it’s kinda a big house for a family of three,” he said with a little chuckle and a shrug. “Guess I kinda take it for granted.” He lowered his head and blew a couple times on the steaming slice. “Anyway,” he said as he straightened back up. “What were we talking about? Oh, the project, yeah… Uh…” He thought for a moment. “Oh! What are you friend’s powers?” he asked, leaning forward curiously in his chair. “Do you know?”