[center][h2][u][b][color=00aeef]Adelram Drax[/color][/b][/u][/h2][/center] Adelram shifted the Githkin in his arms and dropped them feet first onto the ground. With his now free hand he pointed at the metal-clad warrior. [color=00aeef]"Kill that rebel."[/color] He spoke simply and plainly, making himself easily understood to the less than stellar intelligence of his subordinates. With Shplorn still in his left arm, he made his pointed hand into one of a flat palm. The plasma blaster in the warrior's hand was one of considerably higher caliber than the rest of the rebel forces' small arms. As such, Adelram decided it would be worth the time to place a basic energy shield behind him to cover his retreat. He had no interest in fighting the rebel warrior, even if Adelram did calculate the warrior's higher chance to be a high-ranking soldier in the rebel outfit. But, it was not his mission. The warrior was willing to fight to rescue Shplorn, which means that Shlporn was of ever more importance to Drax. He held his hostage in one hand, turned quickly around and extended his arm far behind him, as if he were doing a highly impractical stiff-arm. Another pulse, and an energy shield floated behind him. He began to run once again, and if he ran into any more enemy insurgents he would attempt to dodge around them. He would have to take a brief moment once he got back to Ruthalia to recharge his energy so it was full capacity in the coming battle.