[b]What's your full name:[/b] Moontree Blue. (M.T. Blue/Meat & Tatters/ Blue plate special) [b]How old are you(15-18):[/b] 19 [b]What Grade are you in (9th-12th):[/b] 11th [b]How would you describe yourself (Personality) and don't hold back, we don't judge here:[/b] I'm a jock. [b]You brought the picture of yourself right (Appearance. A Real picture would be nice) just in case we lose you:[/b] [img]http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a116/jmidget123/RonLester.png[/img] [b]Describe your abilities as best as you can (Power. Be descriptive):[/b] I throw things real good and it knocks anything else it hits over. Kinetic energy multiplication with inelastic collision properties: M.t. weighs around 400lbs, when he throws a 1 lbs object, it hits with the force of 400 lbs, when he throws a 2 lbs object, it hits with the force of 800 lbs. It LOOKS like super strength, but it isn't related to his muscles, just his mass and the mass of the object he is throwing. [b]Describe some of your weaknesses (Weaknesses):[/b] I'm in the special ed classes... I cant drive... and I cant tell some colors apart. [b]Did you know about your...abilities before we found you (Yes/No):[/b] Kinda...but i'm not sposed to talk about it [b]If yes how'd you find out (This can go in your bio):[/b] The bull kinda made it happen [b]What's your story (Bio) again don't hold back:[/b] Born and raised in a Texas cattle ranch, all in all I'm lucky to be alive. When I was a baby I got a nasty sting that left me with a fever on the hottest day of summer with the well pump broke and living too far for a hospital to be of any help. If it wasn't for my medicine man grandfather and his feverfew, my story would end there. I survived but the fever baked my brain a little leaving me a kick simpler than most. I lived a good life, growing up good and strong like a farm boy will with Scottish on one side and Cherokee on the other. I went to school on the reservation from preschool to junior-high until high-school where I ended up going to Sam Houston High School. A kid as big as me got snatched up for Football faster than a rattlesnake snapping a rat and I was good for it. Too good for it. I was most improved in the freshman year, Most valuable for sophmore, and I was the first ever of my school to get college offers before some seniors. With lots of people knocking on my door, I had to make a decision based on what was good for my family as well as me. I managed to land a deal with University of Texas with a signing bonus: A big ass truck and free gasoline until I graduate. It wasn't until the Final game of this last year that my powers came up, I was tight end and doing fine when the person I was blocking slipped and fell into the ground, suddenly I was handed the ball and taking off down the field faster than he ever had before. The QB was wide open to catch the ball but when I went to throw it before they tackled me, something strange happened: When I threw the ball, the QB caught it and got sent flying down the field another hundred feet. He made the touchdown and won the game, but the tackle of so many people broke my femur in two places. I was never going to play college or pro ball ever.