[center][color=FF7F50][h3]Elizabeth 'Lizzy' Jones[/h3][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/yveEvKm.gif[/img] [/center] The bickering, hateful comments and just being total [i]jerks [/i]to each other. Is this what this trip would bring? Well Lizzy was [i]not [/i]going to stand for that. [color=FF7F50]"Can we just stop it?!"[/color] she yells as she glares around the room, admittedly primarily at Cass though she made sure a steely gaze rested on every person in the room. [color=FF7F50]"This is supposed to be a way to have fun, relax and see some of this country we wouldn't have otherwise are we really going to spend it all fighting like three-year-olds?! [/color] she yells, each of her words becoming louder than the last. She then notices how much of a [i]bitch [/i]she just seemed. The anger washes out of her face to be an expression of somewhat shock and self-disappointment as she rests on her heels, pinching the bridge of her nose. It was extremely rarely the young teen exploded, she doubted half of the group had ever seen her do so, but when she did she had a powerful set of lungs. Once again she felt terrible, she didn't mean to snap or sound so... cold. [color=FF7F50]"Look, I'm sorry guys,"[/color] she says gently, giving a sigh as she ran a hand over her orange-haired scalp. She couldn't do anything right, could she? [color=FF7F50]"I didn't mean to sound so cruel it's just... I was looking forward to this trip, y'know, letting loose and that, it's just... it's gonna make it hard to have fun if we're bitching about each other all the time,"[/color]. She took a deep breath and close her eyes for a few seconds. She couldn't have helped it, they were fighting and she freaked, too many bad memories resurfaced in such circumstances and although she could usually pretend to ignore the pain she was only human, there's only so much she can take. Didn't stop her from feeling terrible though. Lizzy gives a slow, shaky breath before plastering on, and presenting each person with, a small smile despite the memories of breaking glass bottles and hateful words alongside the word 'hypocrite!' Screaming in her head. She blocked it out, she ignored it. She was used to pretending she was okay, it was as normal to her as breathing, sometimes it faded into a second nature, sometimes she had to be wary of how she did it. [color=FF7F50]"Now,"[/color] she starts her tone much lighter, gentler and more cheerful. [color=FF7F50]"We don't have to all be at the one place at once I'm sure. If Philly wants to go to a museum, he can go. I know I, for one, would be interested in joining him but if some of you, like Cass, don't want to go we're not gonna force you! You can go do whatever tickles your fancy. Now, as for cars I'll go with whoever would enjoy my company,"[/color] she says, allowing her grin to grow. [color=FF7F50]"Anyway,"[/color] she says, hoping her continuous talking would result in the others forgetting, or at least let slide, her just-gone outburst. [color=FF7F50]"Ariel and I made these cookies and it seems everyone but us has tried one! It seems only fair we get one too,"[/color] she says, strolling over to one of the trays, which had already had half the cookie gobbled up by, who Lizzy assumed had at least, Theo and lifted 2 odd-circle shaped cookies from the rack and tossed one in Ariel's direction before taking a bute out of her own and mumbling in approval.