[hider=Areir] [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/0b6d64bce392f87fc77f0da5f14b2c68.png[/img] [b][i]Name:[/i][/b] Areir of Velen (or Aderyngolau, roughly translating to Light Eagle) Age: 73 (28~ equivalent) [i][b]Race:[/b][/i] Witcher [i][b]Nationality:[/b][/i] Nilfgaardian[/center] [i][b]Personality: [/b][/i] Areir, on first impressions, can be seen as droll, silent and withdrawn. Usually staying out of a conversation and instead silently listening, and observing the body language of the individuals who are conversing with him. This odd habitual behavior of his had led him to be observant to a degree. That is not to say Areir is asocial, he does converse with people as he finds it enjoyable, with many finding his raspy voice odd whenever he does so. Many would find a small smile strewn across his face, but if you observe long enough, you may find that it is sad and melancholic one. Majority of the time you would find Areir staring off into the distance, but would soon notice that he's actually not staring at anything, rather, solemnly recalling his past. Despite being trained in school of griffin, he very much resembles the school of the wolf. He tends to try and help individuals when they need so. Usually in such a way that the individual would not recognize his help, and will only help a person if they are willing to help themselves as he doesn't like when people depend on others too much, rather than themselves. He also, like many witchers, have a distrust towards 'Witchers' who have traveled down the path of the school of Cat. He personally thinks they aren't really 'Witchers' anymore, referring to the school as a den of thieves and murderers. [i][b]Flaws/Weakness: [/b][/i] Areir is one of the more younger Witchers, being one of the few under the tutelage of George of Kagen, a renowned and legendary Witcher who was rumored to have slain a dragon with a broken silver weapon. He is not as experienced as the more venerated and seasoned witchers you find around as his training wasn't fully complete. Areir also has a tendency to help individuals even at the cost of his own health. [i][b]Strengths & Powers:[/b][/i] As a patron of the school of Griffin, he has a solid grasp over majority of signs, having a notable expertise in Yrden, Igni and Aard while still having experience in using Axii and Aard. He also has the normal skillset and powers that Witchers have. [i][b]Bio:[/b][/i] Areir was born in Nilfgaard, but was quickly found to be travelling. His parents had died at the hands of war, prevalent in Nilfgaard. He never knew his parents figures, nor did he come to know them. All he knows was that he had to keep moving or perish. It was only through his own instinct and luck that he managed to survive from city to city, scrounging up the barest of food to keep himself going day after day. It was through trickery and stealing that he managed to survive, usually being chased out of the town or city. However this luck didn't last forever, Areir found himself collapsed onto the floor of a dirt road, being chased out by the townsfolk after being caught multiple times. Was he going to die there, on an insignificant road, where no one would remember him? Well his desires really didn't matter as he didn't have any energy to even lift up a single finger. As even his eyelids began to close, a stream of water entered his mouth and a strong hand was holding his head up so he could drink a water. Areir weakly opened his eyes, to see a person with odd eyes- cat like almost, the pale yellow of the iris grasping at the pupils. It was a Witcher. Areir has heard of Witchers before, but with most of it being hearsay about the cruelty and 'evil', greedy nature of them. However, this Witcher was actually letting him drink water and even had a slight look of worry about him. The Witcher had a griffin crested necklace, which at the time Areir didn't know to be the sign of the school of Griffin. He was taken under the direct wing of George, who was now past his prime after slaying a dragon. He taught Areir directly for many decades and millenia. After the gruelling process that Witchers normally endure, George directly taught him signs, the combat style of the Griffin which was to be fleet footed and be able to handle different and many opponents at once without faltering. He also taught Areir to be kind, and helpful towards people in need, but only giving a helping hand so as to make them self dependent rather than relying on others. Everything was peaceful and serene until that one night, during a night much like others. Areir was awoken by screaming and clashing of steel, fire illuminating the darkened village. The village was under siege, by an unknown group at the time. Areir was caught unprepared and a man entered his room, weapon unsheathed and pointed directly at him. The man charged, Areir flinched and closed his eyes, only to find that he didn't die. George had come in and deflected the blow, stabbing the unknown man through the chest. "Quickly Areir, you must escape, you are one of the few Witchers left under the school of Griffin, you must live!" In a blur of weapons and shouting Areir once again found himself running through the forests, he stopped and looked back at the burning village, and for the first time tears welled down his cheeks. Memories of the people in the village came flooding in as the fire crackled against the silent and dark night. He turned around once more and ran away, his two weapons at his hand, and the knowledge of Griffin in his head. A few more decades had passed, and Areir had self trained himself, visiting different schools and trying to incorporate their styles into his own personal combat style. There was a rumor being whispered in hushed tones around him, something about the wild hunt. And an odd inidivudal by the name of Dijkstra, who somehow knew of his past offered him a deal. A deal that Areir didn't even think a single second for. [i][b]Other:[/b][/i] [hider=This is his armour set, minus the helmet.][img]https://i.warosu.org/data/tg/img/0371/15/1420238499250.jpg[/img][/hider] He has a crest of a griffin on his left shoulderpad. Keeps the necklace of his mentor, as it was given to him before his escape. [i][b]Theme song:[/b][/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YykjpeuMNEkl]Hymn for the weekend.[/url] [/hider]