[@IAMAROBOT][@Overlord24] [img]http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=153114&s=10&t=Monday,%20January%2018%0ASpecial%20Training%20Simulation:%20B12%20Difficulty%20level:%20A&c=FFCCFF[/img] Emma had been thinking about contacting Agent Muse to actually ask where the thief was before Agent Woods asked her that question. She was about to give him an answer when he started with his smart comments. She honestly thought some of the gadgets he mentioned would be pretty cool to have, but she also began to get annoyed that he was making those remarks now of all times, when the thief could be close to heading for the hills. She knew it was just training, but she wanted to take these things seriously. She wasn't always this serious, but a long lecture and being demoted could change a person's way of thinking. She quickly slapped a hand over his mouth to shut him up when he got a bit too excited. She could feel him grinning through her glove before saying, [b]"Ah. Sorry, didn't meant to spill the beans."[/b] She opened her mouth to say something, but ended up closing it again and removing her hand. "Woods, ain't nobody got time for that." she said, shaking her head. She then once again spoke into her watch. "Muse, what's the location of the thief?" she asked, not hearing the hurried footsteps coming down the hall in the direction of her squad. "We've got company!" Agent Trainor said as Agent Allen shot the enemy that was closest square in the head. Emma cursed under her breath as more began to come from around the corner. As she proceeded to riddle them with bullets, she tried to come up with a plan. She then looked at the symmetrically aligned doors and got an idea. "Woods, Trainor, over there." she said, pointing to the door on the other side of the hall. She quickly went to the opposite door with Agent Allen and kicked it open. They put their backs against the wall/door inside the room. Emma looked out to see if the other two got inside and smiled seeing that they got the idea. She then got ready to take out the goons as they got close.