[center][hr][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi44MDgwODAuUVd4bGVDQkNjbmxoYm5RLC4xAAAAAA,,/coventrygarden.regular.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/1b691c313b4665ede534bd5689606e99/tumblr_mqkjp6NO8a1sytjrwo1_500.gif[/img] [b][color=#808080]Location;;[/color][/b] Main Hall [b][color=#808080]Interacting With;;[/color][/b] [i]In person:[/i] The Badass Squad (Oliver [sup][@foxygen][/sup], Ariel [sup][@HaleyTheRandom][/sup], Ash [sup][@lovely complex][/sup], Eli [sup][@Altered Tundra][/sup]), Jackson[hr][/center][indent][indent]Ghost wore a quizzical look on his face as the new member of Grey (now known as Oliver) repeated the already-stated fact that Alex was the leader, though quickly wiped over it with a smooth wink. He let out a chuckle, experiencing a wave of nostalgia as Oliver had a case of “lost newbie syndrome”, asking about why they had to be there. Honestly, the leader of Grey had no idea himself, it had just become a habit of his to come to the main hall (often fashionably late, though this was his best entrance by far) and meet the new guys. He was just about to answer said inquiry, before Ash gave him her usual “you’re such a dork”, then stepped in as the team’s “official mom”, feeding their new baby all the information he needed. She then reminded the team of their missing members - Tate and Luisa. Alex folded his arms and sat down as Kitty Cat, also known as the Queen of Social Media, was given the task of texting the siblings. She delivered as promised, but not before a reassurance of Ghost’s little half-innuendo mishap upon arrival. He smiled at her, sticking his tongue out for a brief moment. Ari did then ask about everyone’s summer, but as she instantly became glued to her screen, Alex waited until later to discuss life outside camp. His head nodded upwards again as another voice made itself known - Jackson. Ghost grinned as he pulled a usual “A+” moment, and probably realising it right after he said it. He stood up, grabbing the Red member in a headlock, spinning the two around for a brief moment, before letting him go again with a friendly arm punch. [b][color=#808080]“Try to break something this year, eh, Jackie-boy? Have you broken a bone in your leg yet? Might be a good place to try.”[/color][/b] He chuckled. That was the thing about friendly rivalries - you can say whatever the crap you want and it can still be absolutely fine. At least, that’s how it seemed to him. Either way, he knew Jackson wouldn’t take offense, so that was a good thing. Getting on the wrong side of Jackson Drake, even [i]if[/i] you’re Alex Bryant? No, thanks. Then, suddenly, his mind snapped to other things. That instinctive feeling everyone gets when there is something they [i]hate[/i] within radius, and its’ presence has made itself known. It wasn’t the rest of the teams, not even the loud-mouthed assholes from Blue that Ghost had sworn to bury in the ground behind him. It wasn’t even the fact that his face goddamn [i]hurt[/i] from falling earlier. His eyes searched around after the “thing” let out a small chuckle, as if they didn’t know who it was. But, oh boy, Alex knew for sure. [b][color=steelblue]“You finally woke up, I see. Welcome, [i]Alex[/i].”[/color][/b] [i]Elijah[/i]. Oh, how he resented that “son” of his. The bane of his time at camp and the thorn in his side. He wished he had a time machine so he could go back to that very first day at camp and tell his old self to cherish the one Eli-less year he’d have at Camp Liberty. Time seemed to slow as his dark brown eyes met the sapphire orbs currently glaring daggers at him. He stood up, shrugging his shoulders and flexing casually, with a sly subtleness meant only for his spiteful team member, as a brief warning, with the lingering doubt of whether his threats would be empty or not. His eyes then played the part, as he glared right back at Eli, his pupils barely visible due to his dark eye colour, and giving him a “carry on and you’ll find out” look. Ghost knew this threat would not go unnoticed, as he had a wide understanding of how to subtly send messages to specific people, most of the time not being understood by anyone else. Ash, of course, would notice, and probably scold him for it later, but he didn’t mind. There was just one thought on his mind right now - [i][color=#808080]do [b]not[/b] make this guy the team leader next year.[/color][/i] His threatening for the day over (pfft, like it was), his posture relaxed once again and he put on a faux smile, his gaze softening. [b][color=#808080]“Hello, [i]Eli[/i]. Ready for this year?”[/color][/b][/indent][/indent]