[color=ed145b][centre][h3]Misha[/h3][/centre] Interacting with: [/color]Remmy [hr] Misha noticed Remington's disinterest, which made her lose interest as well, she chose to instead talk to him as a classmate would. "Sorry if that made you uncomfortable, just thought of starting a conversation." Misha smiled as sweetly as she could manage, she wanted to at least be friends with him. "Mind if I take a seat here? I'm Misha by the way. Nice to meet you." She said, she held out her free hand for him to shake. [hr] [color=f7941d][centre][h3]Leo[/h3][/centre] Interacting with: [/color]Evie and Natalia [hr] Leo followed behind the last few students and kept his walking pace the same as Natalia and Evie's, "Ah, chakrams. Heard of it before though I've never seen one." Leo remarked sheepishly, scratching the back of his head in slight shame. "I guess I already don't meet your expectations of a meister huh?" He asked. "Whoa, this is one hell of a venue," He commented as he eyed the array of food. "Would you ladies like anything?" Leo gave a small wink towards the both of them.