[hr] [centre][h1][color=Silver]William McGregor[/color][/h1][/centre] [hr] [color=gray] It was almost certain, his demise. Whatever was to happen was going to surely going to end with himself in two pieces, or more. Frightening, stressful. The thoughts flowed with anger and mixed fear to the point where he felt like his sanity was going to burst. From what looked as if he were hiding, he'd been spraying as much as he could until the point where the Beast was facing him. It's eyes were menacing, lowering its stance as it prepared for the charge, one that would destroy anything in its path. He continued to shake, with the stress and panic, as his hand fumbled about with the magazine. He muttered, cursing his luck as it didn't fit in straight away, he looked up once more, checking how close it was to ramming him straight to hell. As William turned back to the gun, a shadow emerged over him. Something grabbed his vest, yanking him greatly. Was this it? Was it his turn now?[/color] [color=ec008c][b]"Get up damn it. Or do you want to die like the rest of them?"[/b][/color] [color=gray]She yelled. Yes, she...Instantly he recognised the stance, the uniform...The Numbers of the now drawn in Gunship. Section 8, the infamous group. That meant he was face to face with one of the most Elite Units within the Peacekeeping business of Mars, Major Usanagi. At first, everything seemed to slow down. William felt a deep gratitude at first, feeling like this was to be his hope that he had wished for only moments ago. Then, a taste of infuriation kicked in. She was addressing him as if he were a Coward, hiding in the corner whilst everyone around him died. For an instant, it was down-right offensive, taking in that this was something completely surprising, and he was spoken to as if he were facing these things on a daily basis. It was the main problem with the Upper-Units. When augmented beyond comprehension, you start to notice their slight arrogance and misunderstanding of the panic they face. Sure, this might be her average life...Fighting beasts whilst William filled out Arrest Quotas, but this was taking the piss, in his mind. As everything seemed to speed up, taking reality back to its original pace, she let go, turning to assault the individual beast. Doing whatever she considered normal seemed more than unnatural to William, as it was literally nature's most treasured icon played by technology and advance Militaristic characteristics. William finally gathered his surroundings as she brought the behemoth down, finally finding a way to fit the jammed Magazine into the weapon.[/color] [color=ec008c][b]"Your men are dying William... Do not forsake them by pissing yourself here. Get up on your two feet and fight them. IF you die, at least it will be going out and not hiding."[/b][/color] [color=Silver][b]"W-What...What the actual Fucking...Shit! This...You just swoop in, mid-slaughter...Fucking yelling at me?!"[/b][/color] [color=gray]The pressure of the battlefield was clearly getting to him, especially as around him, man and woman after one another would fall to the might of the opposition. He even saw it, his own Superior go down. Howard, a piece of Shrapnel piercing his own armour and tearing a deep wound unfixable by any standards, laid dead against the wall. His helmet's visor was completely stained with the blood that had been tossed from his gaping mouth when it must've impacted him. Looking at that was even more pitiful to his mind, his concentration. Seeing it filled him with anger, even more that had built up from the previous encounter. Taking his now loaded rifle, he positioned it against the stall's flimsy walling and pressed the trigger, lining it up with one of the beasts. Supporting the recoil with the slightly strengthened hand he now had on his left arm, most of the bullets flung into a target already being apprehended by the very few survivors that Cairo 3 had to offer. When his magazine ran dry once more, the beast seemed to succumb to the bullets of a nearby marksman, who's bullets shattered throughout the building. That was when a second voice flipped into the view.[/color] [color=f26522][b]“Officer McGregor this is Commander Miller. I'm on the north side of your building across the street. We're here to help.”[/b][/color] [color=Silver][b]"Oh, thanks for the bloody information! Good to see you aren't here to yell at us when we're being slaughtered like fucking pigs..."[/b][/color] [color=gray] At that time, he ran through the madness of gunfire and unknown projectiles, making his way to the rubble piles where Jason was supposedly pinned up. As he reached the area, an injured beast crawled its way over to the injured SCT Operator, who was laying still. Jess, as her name was. She was one of the newest additions to Cairo 3's Ranks, meaning she wasn't the most able unit, but was enough to handle herself. However, in this situation, training couldn't have meant any less to anyone. No matter how experienced you were, you were in almost complete danger of death, take Howard for example. Drawing his sidearm, William fired a few shots at the close range he was standing at, doing so until the beast had been put down. He saw Jess, injured, who was laid against the rubble-like walling. To her left, Michael laid there, practically decimated completely. Missing an arm, as well as certain chest and skin complexions, it was a sight that left Jess in complete and utter shock. It was clear now, he had to hold before finding Jason. When the panic would die down, he'd make his move, but that wasn't just the time yet. Taking a knee next to the fallen officer, as well as the injured one, he looked down. William looked around, seeing her lack of a weapon. His mind buzzed, thinking of a way to protect his own team-mate whilst ensuring he was able to make himself effective on this field. Un-slinging his Rifle, he gave her the weapon and loaded her a magazine. Notifying her that it was only to be used with complete necessity, only if her life was in the greatest danger. Exchanging gratitude, he returned to overseeing the fight, only a sidearm now in hand. He stood on top of the rubble, preparing to fire upon anyone who remained left that wasn't human nor cyborg... [hr] Time passed. The onslaught of the Gunship and the monstrous and continuous fire from the deadly marksmen gave them a very slight chance of success to move away from the extreme danger. Now, there were a few stragglers left, only for the people willing to move, the marksman and the gunship to take care of. They were on higher floors, something no one wanted to trek up. Now being in a situation where two segments of the Building were controlled, they had breathing room and a chance to take rests, whilst the threat lurked only above them, saved by a few concrete floors. As everyone going began to set themselves up for the second phase, William prepared to hang back slightly. There was a wound on almost everyone but himself. As they prepared to move out once again, William placed a hand onto the Major's shoulder, obviously still quite shocked at the whole even that had just occurred. He turned her to the rear of the room, away from the mysterious generator. He spoke, his voice panting for air as he removed his helmet, revealing his bearded face.[/color] [color=silver][b]"Y-You...Have explaining...to get over with...once you deal with the...shits...You have...a lot...T-to explain...Because your s-secrets..."[/b][/color] [color=Gray]He looked around, only seeing four survivors. Jason, who was lucky to still be in one piece, an injured Jess, a battered and angered Franklin, and himself...[/color] [color=Silver][b]"Your fucking secrets aren't too P...Persuading for your fucking organisation...And f-for the record...When you said they were my men...You should've done your r-research, seeing as you k-know so much...They were his."[/b][/color] [color=gray]He pointed to the rotting corpse. The one with the shrapnel dug deep into the neck of itself...[/color]