He stood at the corner of the intersection watching as the children of the night went about the routine of existence, Prostitutes, pushers,Junkies, the Homeless and the unwanted all walked these streets at night. Each lost in their own little world of pain, bad decisions, misdeeds, and misfortune, he went unnoticed and unseen, his face a countenance of sadness, his heart near to breaking for them as he watched all pass by him on the sidewalk lost in their own little world of sin. It wasn't long before the slivers of light from the raising sun sliced like daggers into the blanket of dark, with the exception of a few, the children of the night withdrew from the raising light as well, least they're sins be exposed for the world to see. Replacing them were the people of the day, the movers and shakers, those fighting to climb the corporate ladder, those looking to make that one big deal and those looking to make the right investment to set them for life. Too busy with cell phones or going over in their minds strategies for the new business day, they rush past him too preoccupied to acknowledge his existence. As the morning wore on, the sidewalk and streets became like a flowing river as the people of the day hustled about and rushed to meetings and deadlines, but there was one, a little girl of five or six, clutching the hand of her Mother. Her blue eyes grew big and a smile spread across her sweet innocent face as she looked at him, she did her best to get her Mothers attention so she could see him too, but Mother was too busy on the phone to be bothered and gentle but firmly tugged her Daughter along. He returned the young child's smile, her innocents refreshing and filling him with hope, [i] 'if only the adults still had the faith of a child'[/i], he thought to himself as he raised the index finger of his right hand to his lips and uttered a soft [i] "sssshhhh" [/i],with a wink of an eye as the little girl sheepishly waved as her Mother hurried them past him. The hours wore on, the droves of the day people moved on as well, all much too busy in they're quest for money too bothered to see or care, then with a turn of his head he spotted the one for which he was sent. A young male, barely out of college, though dressed appropriately, his JC Penny off the rack suit looked out of place among the river of the more refine and custom tailored styles of the business elite. Like many, the young mans feet were on autopilot mind filled with details of the office meeting taking place within the hour while busy on the cellphone at the same time in hopes of landing the big name client and thus save him from being fired at least one more week. He continued to watch as the young man advanced, then turned and followed him as he hustled pass, only now did the young man notice the crosswalk sign about to change and not having the time to wait for the next series of light changes picked up his pace to cross the busy intersection. No sooner had the young mans left foot left the curb to step out into the street, his right hand was upon the young mans shoulder pulling him back, just as a Taxi cab in a hurry to get through the light so the Driver might earn an extra five dollar tip speed past within inches and seconds of striking the young man. Visible shaken, the young man stood, the realization of what almost happened the only thing now focused on his mind, a few stopped to see if he was alright, some commenting on his luck or good fortune, later on he would tell his friends as they sipped they're drinks at the bar, how if he had not of stumbled, he would of been plastered all over the grill of a City Taxi. It was only a moments time before the waves of the day people were back in motion and on they're way back to the business at hand. He watched as the young man collected himself then move of with the rest, only this time the young mans thoughts weren't completely filled with only thoughts of business deals and finance. He turned and cast his sky blue eyes about the crowded sidewalks and streets, the sadness slowly returning as he watched the lost rush past, either unaware or uncaring that life could so easily end within a span of a heartbeat. He raised his face toward heaven, spread his wings and rose into the air, unseen by the mortals as they rushed by consumed by they're desire for the things of this world.