[hider=Rausen Halovirg][b]Appearance[/b]: [img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/db78c819e16b79aaf62c87f021d91d72/tumblr_o69xpsdFOL1sx8o26o2_250.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b]: Rausen Halovirg [b]Age[/b]: 34 [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Nationality[/b]: Temarian [b]Personality[/b]: Raus is pragmatic and logical, seeing life as a game worth playing. Ever in thought, he is surprisingly quick to act with deed as well. Due to his past and the responsibility of his powers, he often finds himself being very untrusting and wary of others, though he'll attempt to look personable. Being charismatic makes for good contracts and more business opportunities after all. Oddly enough, Raus does have some decency. He won't murder or harm without proper cause, and tries to leave those who hire him satisfied (unless he feels particularly wronged). [b]Flaws/Weakness[/b]: [list] [*]Arrogance, such as not changing his name. [*]Lack of intuition, preferring to think things through not using his gut. If he is presented with a problem that he cannot find a solution to, he stammers. [*]A fair swordsman, enough to defend himself. But by no means a Witcher. [*]Has a lack of endurance and stamina. [/list] [b]Strengths[/b]: [list] [*]Adept magician [*]Intelligent [*]Quick with his hands and blade. Fair swordsman [*]Years of alchemic/magical knowledge in his mind [*]Dashing looks [/list] [b]Powers[/b]: Magic, specifically adept at ice, lightning, teleportation, and conjuration spells. Knows Alzur's Shield and various others as well. [b]Bio[/b]: Born in Vizima by wealthy merchants, Raus was the first son of their household. Many things in his life happened quickly, even from the start. He found himself the leader of a small group of boyhood friends, before he nearly killed one with a flourish of his hand. His parents quickly discovered he had an untapped source of magical power. They sent him to the Library of Vizima to be trained in the arts by an accomplished sorcerer, a friend of a friend who owed his parents a favor. Raus grew up divided between duties at his home and his studies at the Library, until he came of age and hit puberty. He was taken to the sorcerer's tower to learn under him indefinitely. He was also taught basic swordplay and alchemy, learning to be truly intelligent was to taste many other forms of learning. During his later teen years, he would go into Vizima and beglamour women with his powers, wooing them into his bed, which led to him being discovered as a wielder of magic by the general populace. Rumors spread and he was punished for showing off his abilities too hastily. There were eventually talks between his master and the new King Foltest on Raus being one of his advisors, and as Raus studied in the tower, he wasn't told of his parents and siblings deaths at the hands of rival merchants. Learning of the news from a friend in town had him confront his master. There was a heated argument that night that ended in blood. Raus left the tower with knowledge he did not wish to keep...that his teacher was a survivor of the Thanedd coup, and had been attempting to assassinate Foltest and reinstate a magocracy in Temeria with the help of more than few sorceresses. If they were connected with the Lodge, Raus wasn't privvy to such information. This knowledge of the failed attempt on his life did little to save Foltest from a similar plot by Letho the Witcher and the Nilfgaardians. It was just as Temeria fell into chaos that Ruas went into hiding, selling his sword and magic for almost any service that required it. Dijkstra and him meeting not a year later seemed like the gods timing. [b]Other[/b]: [hider][img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/9b1a/th/pre/i/2014/129/f/0/the_grimoire____by_alexlibris999-d7hqznn.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider][img]http://www.owenbush.co.uk/wp-content/gallery/swords_2/294-small-arming-sword.jpg[/img][/hider] Wears leather armor over cloth. Has various bottles of alchemical potions and materials strapped to his belt, as well as a coin purse. [b]Themesong[/b]: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLyPxxviO78]10 years - Wasteland[/url][/hider]