[hider=Luisa Demerson][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/53JQeqM.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ucELkwu.gif[/img] [b]”[i]The one thing about my life that's different from others is that I wake up for no one, and for some reason, that's just good for your creativity.[/i]”[/b] –[b]Douglas Coupland[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EURZuzHyWb0]The Youth - MGMT[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aZFcosBTaQ]Midnight City - M83[/url][hr][hr] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Full Name[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Luisa Dita Demerson[/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Nickname[/b][/color]◄ [indent][color=goldenrod]Luisa.[/color] Don't try and be cute and say 'Lu' or 'Lulu' or something. Every person that's called her that has come to regret the chewing out that followed. Luisa, it's damn cute on its own. [/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Birth Date[/b][/color]◄ [indent]July 14[/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Age[/b][/color]◄ [indent]17[/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Gender[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Female[/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Sexuality[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Bisexual[/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Relationship Status[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Single and loathing it[/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Sexually Active[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Aren't we all?[/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Team Color[/b][/color]◄ [indent][color=gray]Gray[/color][/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Years At Camp[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Three and Counting[/indent] [img]http://i.imgur.com/du6LCVJ.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/qlmN5B2.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Qu9ec9n.gif[/img] ►[color=goldenrod][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Of course the first thing anyone notices about Luisa is her rather vibrant hair, and that's largely by design. Blessed from a young age with dull, stringy, gross hair, Luisa took it upon herself to use what allowance she scrounged up in order to do something about the disaster that sat atop her head; her decision was to color her hair like the sunset. Believe it or not, she used to rock orange hair like you would not believe. Her hair is still rather stringy and loose, but it at least looks interesting and visible from afar. Luisa's fashion sense might not make any waves to those with an eye for fashion and that's largely because Luisa really doesn't follow the trends or the labels. Her clothing and style screams of low cost but on point, stemming from her penchant for shopping at Goodwill. She's frequently wearing skirts with leggings or shorts - often self modified from an old pair of jeans she then cuts up - and her shirts hang loose even on her slender frame. Luisa unintentionally (or so she claims) wears clothes to accentuate her legs which, in her mind, are her best physical feature apart from her smoldering hazel eyes that are often hidden away behind a pair of glasses. Her skin is naturally pale but not sickly so. She doesn't do makeup well, using what she has to conceal rather than to make herself pop. She's fairly tall at five foot nine, though she's like an arrow. Straight, no curves, but she makes what she has work. [/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Habits & Quirks[/b][/color]◄ [indent][color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] If she can get away with it, she will absolutely eat something off of someone else's plate. Usually she will snag some french fries or something that she can quickly stick a fork in and take away. [color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] When bored, which does happen every now and then, she'll play with her hair. In that she might wrap her finger around one of her more loose strands or something of the sort. [color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] Luisa is a nail biter. This is because she's recently stopped smoking but still has that whole oral fixation that comes after the fact. [color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] When speaking to someone that is boring her or someone she doesn't like, she will mimic them in a very mocking, very unflattering voice. It might be childish, but it's funny every time to her. [color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] Always takes two desserts and fuck you if you tell her she can't. [color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] The only thing louder than her hair is her voice when she is bored. Luisa is the person who, in a quiet room, will yell "UGH, SO BORED" just to start [i]something[/i].[/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Likes & Dislikes[/b][/color]◄ [indent][color=Forestgreen]☑[/color] Tate and the 'rents. Write that down under potential band names. [color=Forestgreen]☑[/color] Swing jazz music. Any jazz music, really. But there's something about swing. [color=Forestgreen]☑[/color] Sunflower seeds. It's a craving. An addiction. She will spit shells if she has to. [color=Forestgreen]☑[/color] Making out. Tate may enjoy sex but Luisa definitely prefers the connection of lips and closeness. Unless it's with a terrible kisser in which case fuck off, thanks. [color=Forestgreen]☑[/color] Busking. Is there a more fun activity on the planet? Well...making out, maybe, but busking is a close second. [color=Forestgreen]☑[/color] Building model kits. She needs to keep her hands busy and that's one way to do it. [color=Forestgreen]☑[/color] Driving the RV. Graham doesn't let her do it often but when he does...it's exhilarating. [color=Firebrick]☒[/color] Meat. Eating it. [color=Firebrick]☒[/color] When people get easily offended by a little bit of truth and profanity. Call someone a bitch and it's like they can't handle it. [color=Firebrick]☒[/color] Being called a hippy. Seriously, don't even. [color=Firebrick]☒[/color] Breakfast cereals. We're not children anymore. That stuff is gross. (She'll still eat the marshmallows in a Lucky Charms box straight up though) [color=Firebrick]☒[/color] Tongue piercings. Yes, she knows the rumor about them, but nothing kills the mood quite like swapping spit with someone that has their tongue pierced. [color=Firebrick]☒[/color] Auto Tune. Learn to sing you fucking phonies. [color=Firebrick]☒[/color]People that think having money is a personality trait. In a broader sense, people with nothing to say. Boring people. Stop being boring. [color=Firebrick]☒[/color] Snakes. Fuck snakes. [/indent] [img]http://i.imgur.com/UJ3Z3Cd.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/sX3xsEG.jpg[/img] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Fears & Phobias[/b][/color]◄ [indent][color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] Overdosing. Not her specifically, but the idea of anyone in her family letting their addiction win petrifies her. [color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] Breaking her fingers. Break her legs. Break her nose. Break her heart. Just don't hurt her greatest instrument. [color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] Her words driving Tate out of her life. [/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Good Personality Traits[/b][/color]◄ [indent][color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] Vibrant, which is to say a healthy love for living and living well. [color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] Reliable. Despite her strong words, you can always count on Luisa to have your back if you're in with her. [color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] Artistic. She's great with her hands and expresses herself through music and writing songs. Not lyrics. Music. Writing music. [color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] Adventurous. She hates nothing more than staying indoors. She wants to get out and do shit.[/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Bad Personality Traits[/b][/color]◄ [indent][color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] Tunnel Vision. She doesn't seem to notice or care that her words have a tendency to hurt others deeply. [color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] Rude. If she's meeting someone for the first time and they don't already know about her, she can come off as totally rude and rough. [color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] Unapologetic. Nothing she does is her fault. If she says something or does something her target probably deserved it anyway. [color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] Falls in lust at the drop of a hat. If she sees someone she likes physically, she will do anything to make a connection happen.[/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Personality[/b][/color]◄ [indent]There's some saying about barking dogs seldom biting but it's quite possible that whoever coined that phrase never met Luisa. Much like a dog, or rather a puppy, Luisa is cute and approachable; however, like a dog her bite [i]stings[/i]. Luisa's bite comes in her somewhat abrasive interactions with people. Her tongue is sharp, often peppered with vulgar words and riddled to the core with clever insinuations and entendre. Luisa is a flirt, but she's also rather loud about it. Subtle is not in her vocabulary. That's not to say that her vulgarity and harsh tone is the be all, end all of who she is. Luisa is quite insightful, adept at reading people's faces due to a belief that everyone has a tell of some sort. She wears her emotions on her sleeve and then rarely wears shirts that have sleeves. Much like the color of her hair, this gives her a bit of a wild persona compared to many, though to some it's seen less as wild and more as indecent or embarrassing. There's no filter to be found with Luisa and the jury is still out as far as shame is concerned. Luisa puts herself out there at every opportunity and if people don't respond to that then it's their own problem. But her outward persona stands in stark contrast to how she feels on the inside or around the people...or person as the case may be, she can trust or confide in. Her honesty is refreshing, she'll never give someone anything other than the truth and that includes how she feels about someone. She doesn't believe in playing games or anything that teenagers like to do, that just wastes time and gets nowhere. On the plus side this lets people know where they stand with her in regards to friendship or crushing or the like, but on the other side if she dislikes someone she will not mince words in letting them know. Luisa carries herself and acts just like the person people expect a girl like her to act like. But the thing about acting is that doing it long enough means the role becomes you. And Luisa has been doing it around others for some time now. [/indent] [img]http://i.imgur.com/aQQmd4d.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5Ozh2r5.gif[/img] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Luisa holds the distinction of being born in Millennium Park in Chicago. Right under The Bean.[/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Background[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Luisa was an accident, but even accidents can lead to something wonderful. Graham and Lola were two people in one of the many stages of love when Luisa forced them to reevaluate their paths in life; which happened to work out for the better. Lola was watching Graham earn money in Millennium Park when Luisa came earlier than scheduled. Luisa was delivered to a crowd of on lookers both stunned and awed at the display; fortunately there was a student of the nursing arts in the park that day. Even at a young age Luisa showed an active interest in what her father did. She loved hearing him play music and as a little girl she would often clap along when he was busking or ask him to play her a quick acoustic before she drifted off to sleep. It came as no surprise that she took up an instrument as well, finding a love with the saxophone after listening to [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnxeKl-Kbqw]Autumn Leaves[/url] a fair few times. Music became as much a part of her education as her homeschooling; and yes, she was homeschooled, so what if she didn't have some fancy private school education with a bunch of preppy prick assholes and douchebags? The Demerson Family never seemed to stay in one place for very long, always coming and going at the drop of a hat. Theirs was not a lavish lifestyle, but Graham and Lola never let the kids go hungry. Having experience busking on the streets, Luisa had her doubts as to how Graham was providing for them - busking would not rake in the dough - but she kept that to herself. It was highly likely that Graham's addiction was different from Lola's. Lola was hooked on the pipe. Graham to the almighty dollar. Packing up and crossing state lines was an easy way to get out of gambling debts, after all. When Lola became addicted to meth, Luisa knew she had to quit smoking. It still took her until she was sixteen to do so, and by that point she had a whole bunch of reasons to quit. Living amongst people who frequently spoke of herbal remedies and in the swinging 60s lifestyle colored a bit of Luisa's worldview. Free love, all that jazz. While they never truly had a place where they could plant roots, Luisa still considered any place where she, Tate, and the 'rents were at to be home, even if it was sleeping in the dirt under the stars while the adults were busy putting keys into a jar. There's a closeness to the Demerson Siblings that came as a result of shared experiences. Camp Liberty is a months-long break in the summer commune trips that the family embarked on. They may not have the most money or even own a house, but the Demerson's are as close a family as you're likely to find.[/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Miscellaneous[/b][/color]◄ [indent][color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] She is an ovo-lacto vegetarian but won't talk your ear off about it. [color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] Is never without her saxophone. It's a little beat up from years of use but it still plays amazing music. [color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] Idolizes Charlie Parker and Stan Getz [color=goldenrod]⚪[/color] Will absolutely cockblock Tate. She knows he'll do the same to her so she feels no remorse in doing so.[/indent] ►[color=goldenrod][b]Extra[/b][/color]◄ [indent]Riding on trains[/indent] [img]http://i.imgur.com/WcC8rV8.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/bx8Ep4a.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/W9Zvpg3.gif[/img] [/center][/hider]