Hello, hello! Thank you guys for all the interest. Since there are more than 10 of us all wishing to join in the adventure, what I will probably do is accept CSs based on their quality. (Which means I should probably make mine better too... urg.) My reasoning for this is that I don't want to select on a first come first serve basis such that those that spent a good while on a good CS get left out in the cold. So, the first CSs that come in that are quality (as deemed by both myself, Nevix, and DP (DP is generally my cohort in all things RP related. :P)). I'll go into more detail about what I might consider a quality CS later as I have many things to do as the semester closes up. Including going to meet the teacher I'll be student teaching with next year (Yay! :D) I also wanted to take just a minute here to discuss group related things... The four that are locked in currently (one of which who is still contemplating his/her entry into the RP) are all good friends from my other RP. And as such, we will probably take over most conversations unless you push yourself into them (which we won't yell at you for, trust us). I like an RP community that is friendly, cooperative, and best of all... collaborative. That means everyone thinks about the best interest of the RP story as a whole rather than their own character's background story arc. All of the characters will be important to the plot and we need to consider that when making posts. I don't want to go on my whole tangent about making posts that can be reacted to rather than reactive post, but if you need some guidance on that sort of stuff, we can certainly work it out. I generally have problem toning down the plans I have for my own characters as well as getting lazy with my characters and sending them off on their own to do things, so I'll try to be more active in watching what I do when I post. Ye. Uhhhh... Did I already talk about my schedule? I think so... -scrolls up- Sort of. So, this week I have 1 paper, 2 projects, and 2 final exams. I will be finished by Thursday. I may have more free time after Monday as well to do some things and set up somethings but for right now my brain is focused on my Paper due on Friday and my final at 8 am on Friday, so ye. I'll be a bit stressed for the next few days and probably won't work on our OP until the weekend or after so I apologize for that. So just be patient with me and such. Until then... feel free to pal around on here or in the [url=https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Project_Olympia]etherpad[/url] I've set up for everyone. I'll also have the working OP on there for everyone to begin working on their CSs if they'd like. (I'll give everyone plenty of time to get those 'quality' CSs out.) uhh... Thanks!